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Adriens class was gonna have a field trip to the beach with there parents since Gabriel was trying to become a new person he gave up there miraculous to the guardian but nooroo and duusu refuse to leave there owners the guardian agreed to have there miraculous as long as they dont use it for evil the two adults agreed now the three were preparing for the beach day Nathalie was gonna wear one of his summer collections he gave up bringing back emilie and focused more on his family

Later the class arrived at the beach it was sort of a resort than a beach everyone was now dressed at there swimming clothes

Nathalie was wearing a very exposed swimsuit there were on the adult side the kids were on the other side

Dude you mom is hot said Nino

Nino stop said adrien

At Nathalies side she was using some sun screen then a bunch of men went to her

Hey miss you look sexy af said the man that made Gabriel really angry

She said get out or I will have no choice but to kill you in this perfectly good beach and you might be thinking that I'm joking but I'm not

Then she pulled out a gun that scared the guys and ran off

Then Gabriel smirk then went to her

That's my Nathalie

Excuse me ? Ask the lady

Gabriel im right here that's not me !! Said Nathalie on the other side

Omg miss I'm so sorry then he went to her

I thought that was you said Gabriel

How could I be that ugly lady said Nathalie

Then the girl herd

Excuse me but I'm more beautiful than you

You wish

Is that a challenge ms heartless?

Maybe you wanna bet?

Ok winner gets to be most beautiful said the girl

Ok looser dies pointing the gun at her

Then Gabriel and the girls husband look at each other later they were preparing the contest

Ok so first is the Baywatch run

Easy said the girl

Then the two started to run there cheers were equal

Ok so next and final challenge is fight your self

The girl ask what ?

Then Nathalie quickly attacked her they started to fight the girl lost then Nathalie won they cheered for her

Ok lady you know the rules LOOSER DIES!!!

Ms pls don't do it said the lady

Don't worry I won't I'm not that cruel

Thank you

Then later the contest was over
You were great out there Mrs Agredtr

Thank you Mr hawkmoth ...wait what did you say ?

My last name Sealy fits you

Oh well we can always make that a reality said Nathalie

Can I kiss you ?


But why?..

Only Gabriel can kiss me not hawkmoth ...

Haha very funny .

Then he kissed her she kissed back everyone awww

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