Sick day

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Gabriel caught a fever ntahlie is taking care of her but Nathalie was worse cause she had a fever too and she always have dizzy spells Gabriel was working then Nathalie took the tablet and broke it

What? Nathalie what was that for ?!?!

Well I said to you you need to rest but what are you doing ?


Exactly now Go and rest

You should be resting cause you keep having dizzy spells

Well I am dying so I don't care and I will not rest until I'm done with this 56 emails 34 phone calls and 67 agendas that I need to do

Your over working your self

No your over working yourself have

Really Nathalie ...?


Before she could leave he pulled her into him which made her Sir on his lap then he hugged her not letting go

Gabriel let me go I have a lot of work to do

Cancel them

I can't


Cause no one I'll take care of them

Well we can finish them when we are better cancel them it's an order said Gabriel

Fine .....I'm can you let me go ?

No ...

Then you'll follow me

Its ok for me

Then Nathalie and Gabriel went to her desk and candles the rest of the day then Nathalie fell Gabriel caught her and put her on his bed then he went to the other side

Gabriel ? What are you doing ?

Hugging you ?

Why ?

So I know that you won't leave and work now let's sleep

Fine only because I have a major headache


Then she hurried her face on his chest then he had he's head on her hair then they fell asleep together

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