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Nathalie was with her friend Amy they were on the mall trying to shop Nathalie was really stressed the other day so she decided to shop with her friend

So Nathalie how's it go in?

Nothing much just you know always work take care of adrien and lizzy

You have a child ?

I already married yes

I didn't know..... wow you must have a nice husband huh

Yes he's so sweet and the best

Then Gabriel approached Nathalie

Hey honey said Gabriel

Oh hello Gabe by the way this is amy my friend Amy this is gabriel

Gabriel ?


Yes it's me Said Amy

You guys know each other ? Ask Nathalie

Yeah this is my only boy-friend Said Amy

What the fuck Amy this is my husband !!!! Yelled Nathalie

But it's true said any

Gabriel What the hell is she talking about ?!?! Ask Nathalie

She's my Girl-friend

She was shock she left the scene she went straight home the two were left alone

Oh I think she thought I was Your girlfriend said Amy

But you are

No I mean GIRLFRIEND as in I'm your side chick

What the....your just a friend

Yes I know I have a boyfriend

Oh no

Go and catch up with her said Amy

Alright see you again amy


Then Gabriel ran outside he notice her car was gone she must have gone home so he went to his car and drove off when he got home he notice Adrien waiting for him

Adrien where's your mother ?

In a coffin underground

No not emilie Nathalie !

Oh I suggest you don't come near her she just cut a hotdog in half which broke the cutting board I think we need a new cutting board

Where is she ?

In her room crying

Alright thank you adrien

Can I go to my girlfriend's house ?

Sure just be back at 8

Then he ran to there room he notice her crying on the bed

Nathalie ?...


I just wanna say I'm sorry ..


Nathalie listen to me


He did what she said then he went out to the other room he really messed up

It was the next day Nathalie came to him with some papers in her hand

Nathalie ...

Gabriel I wanna talk with you

What is it ?

I'm filling a divorce I'm taking lizzy with me I'm also gonna move out of this house

Nathalie don't let me talk

Go ahead

I'm sorry about yesterday when I ment she's my girlfriend she's my Friend as a girl me and any don't have any affair cause she's already engaged to someone else pls don't leave me and adrien were gonna loose our minds if yohand lizzy left us

He held her hand and said

I would never cheat on you your the love of my life I'm already happy with you with us so pls don't leave this house


Nathalie pls..

Fine....I won't leave

Thank you I love you so much

Then he picked her up and kissed her she kissed back she was happy that her husband didn't cheat on her she was full of joy that it was just a misunderstanding 

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