Blind date

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Gabriel was at his office talking to someone he decided to go and do online dating he got matched by a girl name Nathalia Marie they started to talk to each other they have a lot in common today was the day that he was gonna see the girl cause she didn't have a picture on her profile meanwhile

Nathalie was happy too cause today was the day she's gonna meet her blind date the name of the guy was Gabe Antonio they have a lot in common he also didn't put his picture so she has no idea what he looks like

Little do they know that they were just texting each other

Nathalie took the day off to get ready for her blind date she dig through her closet she found a green dress and heels

Nathalie took the day off to get ready for her blind date she dig through her closet she found a green dress and heels

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Then she curled her hair she decided to leave it down then she went out it was already 5 her date start at 6 so she's a bit early but she didn't mind

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Then she curled her hair she decided to leave it down then she went out it was already 5 her date start at 6 so she's a bit early but she didn't mind

She went through the restaurant and went to the table the restaurant she went in was quite fancy so she guessed this man is a millionaire or something

She decided to go through the bathroom so she left after that Gabriel sat on the table he texted her

I'm here already where are you ?

I just went to the bathroom I'll be back

All right then what color are you wearing ?

Umm all green

Alright see you I can't wait to meet you

You two bye

In the bathroom Nathalie was nervous but she kept her coolness she went out and say at the table she turned around and saw..Gabriel

The two look shock at each other they were asking the same question

Nathalie /Gabriel ?!?

What are you doing here ?!?

Well I'm here for my blind date

Wait you have a blind date too

Then the two went silent Nathalie decided to break the silence

I'm looking for my date Gabe Antonio

And I'm looking for my date Nathalia

But I'm nathalia said Nathalie

And I'm Gabe said Gabriel

Then she stood and said

In sorry if I'm not the one your expecting I'll leave now

But before she could leave Gabriel grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him

Nathalie I'm not upset in fact I'm happy cause at least I shared all the information about me to you not a random person and also I'm happy cause I like Nathalie not Nathalia

Really ?

Yes now let's continue our date shall we ?

Of course sir

Nathalie no more formalities call me Gabriel

All right s-- Gabriel

Then the two Sat and started to talk later they ate then they went out

Nathalie ?

Yes ?

With your permission do you wanna be my Nathalie ? My girlfriend ?

Yes I would love that

Then she leaned on and kissed her Gabriel kissed back it seems they were really ment for each other

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