Oraio at last

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Bell POV

"That's a big tower," I said being able to see the Tower of Babel from at least 20 miles away.

"That's also a pretty big city" Regis added.

We kept walking for another few hours until we finally reached the gate with the sun now being elevated in the sky. When we got there the line was long and we had to wait about another hour before we could even get inside. When it was finally our turn at the gate I spoke to the guard there. He was a giant of a man being nearly taller than sitting down. He wore an elephant mask and a red toga which further proved the fact that this man was strong.

"State your name and business," he said kindly. A lot kinder than I thought he would be.

"The names Bell and I'm here to be an adventurer"

"No last name"

"No last name"

"And I assume you're seeking permanent residence in Orario"

"For the time being yes"

"Alright that'll be 3,000 valis," he said. I reached into my pouch and pulled out the required amount. I handed it to him and watched as he counted and then welcomed me to Orario. I thanked him for his time and finally took my first step into the city.

"Woah that's a lot of people," I said. Everywhere I looked there were people of all different races. Cat people, elves, amazons, dog people. You name it it was probably there.

"Careful farm boy don't get too lost in the sights we still need to deliver those letters" Regis joked.

I shook my head to knock myself out of my stupor before I walked down Main Street. I asked around at vendors that were there for directions and started making my way to my destination. It took me a few minutes as I didn't know my way around the city but after asking a few kind strangers I finally arrived at the guild.

"Wow this building looks cool," I said looking at all the intricate carvings on the pillar and doorframe. The latter being gigantic.

"You keep your mouth open like that you'll catch flies" Regis joked next to me.

I started for a few more moments before focusing once again and headed inside. However, since I wasn't really looking where I was going I bumped into a half-elf that was walking by with paperwork knocking her down and papers spreading everywhere.

"I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going," I said as I crouched to help her up. "Are you ok"

She fixed her glasses before she spoke and now that I looked at her she was quite pretty. I started to feel a little nervous.

"It's alright it was an accident," she said as she started to pick up her papers.

I said nothing and began to help her pick up her papers. Once I was finished I handed the stack to her.

"Well thank you for your help," she said then stopped and I took this as my cue to introduce myself.

"Oh my name is Bell, I'm uh new in town"

"Nice to meet you Bell my name is Eina Tulle as you can see I work at the guild," she said professionally.

"Uh yeah, I can. Oh, I'm here to get some information about a couple of gods. I have a letter for them" I said remembering why I came here in the first place.

"Oh what gods are you looking for"

"I'm looking for a god named Miach and a goddess named Astraea"

"Well lord Miach runs a pharmacy in the northern end of Orario and lady Astraea normally stays in her home the stardust garden in the western end of Orario" she explained.

Bell the white core mage (Being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now