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The moon shone high above the sky. Bell and his two companions had been running non-stop to catch up to the kidnappers. But like all things, they eventually had to rest or collapse from exhaustion.

"Here should be a good place to camp," Shakti pointed out to a clearing in the trees.

The three stopped their pursuit and began to set up camp in the clearing. They didn't bring tents or even blankets, for that matter, as time was of the essence, and they could only carry the bare essentials, such as food, water, and potions.

They gathered some sticks, stones, and leaves, making a makeshift fire pit to provide some warmth.

"You two can get some sleep. I'll take first watch," Shakti offered. Anya thanked her and yawned before curling up in Bell's lap, a content smile on her face as her tail happily wagged.

Shakti gave Bell a confused look.

"She's very clingy. Been like that since I've met her," Bell explained, patting the top of Anya's head, causing the girl to smile more in her sleep.

Bell's back was pressed against a tree, and Shakti sat across from him.

"I see. I'm assuming you've known her for a while," Shakti asked as she poked the fire.

Bell nodded his head. "Yeah, saved her and her brother from slavers when I was seven."

Shakti's eyes widened at this. "Seven. What were you thinking getting involved with slavers at that age."

Bell tilted his head. "Because slavery's bad."

Shakti let out an annoyed sigh. "You're correct, but getting involved with them at seven. You must've not thought the situation through."

Bell chuckled in amusement. "Please, Arthur saved an elven princess when he was four by killing four slavers. My feat pales in comparison."

"Right, I keep forgetting you're a Leywin. Been too concerned that a greenhorn has almost caught up to me," Shakti said.

"What, jealous" Bell teased.

Shakti shook her head. "No, just annoying how someone half my age can grow so fast. But I guess talent runs through your blood, so I can't be too annoyed."

The two sat in silence for a minute, enjoying the quiet and ambiance the woods provided.

"Ryu said you ran into Valletta. Is it true" Shakti asked, breaking the silence.

"Pink hair and a black jacket," Bell questioned.

"Yes," Shakti quietly answered as if reliving a traumatic experience.

Bell nodded his head. "Yeah, fought her briefly before the Elderwood guardian showed up. I'm guessing you have some grudge against her," Bell mused.

Shakti growled in anger before recomposing herself. "She killed my sister. Convinced a child to slit her throat and blow herself up. All while she laughed in glee."

"That's fucked up. Alright, I'll keep my eyes out for her. I find anything out or encounter her again, I'll let you know," Bell vowed.

Shakti closed her eyes to stop the tears. She missed her sister. "Thank you, Bell. But you don't need to do that for someone you don't really know."

"Says who," Bell asked.

Shakti was in shock as her eyes flew open.

"Just because I barely know you, who says I can't help you? I barely know Airmid, yet I'm still out here, far from Orario, to help her. Just because we haven't talked much or ever hung out, I'll still help you. Besides, Valletta's a bitch, and I still owe her some pain for what she did to Demeter."

Bell the white core mage (Being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now