The wargame begins

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Bell POV

"Grandpa can you tell me what my father looked like," I asked. Gramps looked at me surprised but smiled.

"Sure kid. However, I can show you a picture of him that I painted" he said. He led me to the couch and I sat down while he went into his room and returned a few moments later with a painting in his hand.

He unrolled the painting before handing it to me so I could look at it. I studied the picture for a while. This was the first and probably last time I'd ever see my father.

I looked at his black hair the opposite of my white hair. I looked at his face and saw that I looked nothing like him. Except for one key detail. His eyes. His bright red eyes that shone like rubies in a sultan's crown.

His face had no blemishes or scars. His smile was bright and cheerful and he was wearing this odd black armor.

"Grandpa what's this armor he's wearing," I asked pointing at it.

"Ah. That's his djinn armor. It was lost in his final battle. We weren't able to recover it. Sorry Bell"

I looked at the armor again. It seemed to fit him perfectly like it was tailored exactly to him. No wrong measurements at all.

I then rolled the painting back up and handed it back to grandpa. "Thanks, grandpa. For letting me see what my father looked like" I said.

"No problem Bell. I'll put this somewhere close in case you ever want to look at it again" he said.

I was packing my things and getting ready to leave the wall. Once everything was packed I grabbed the bag and threw it over my shoulder and began walking back to the stardust garden.

As I was walking I heard something small whistling toward me. My hand shot out and grabbed the object. I then opened my hand and saw a ring.

But this wasn't any normal ring. This was a dimension ring. My head shot up and I quickly looked around to see who threw it but I saw no one.

Another gift from my mysterious benefactor perhaps? No matter I need to hurry or I'll be late.

Miach POV

The sun was rising signaling a new day in Orario. It also signaled the day of the wargame finally arriving. Was I worried? A little but what father doesn't worry for his children? But I know if everyone falls short Regis will step in and handle it.

However, that would possibly lead to Bell's identity being exposed. I don't know why people haven't put two and two together. Regis was around while Zeus and Hera were at the height of their power. So why did no one recognize him? Let alone surprised that he could talk.

Was this your doing Zeus?

"Miach the cart is all packed" Nazha said knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Now we just have to wait for Bell," I said wrapping my arm around her. She leaned into the touch and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I'm sure the others won't mind if you back out" I asked.

I saw her hand go to her prosthetic arm and rub it for a minute before she answered. "I'm sure. It's not monsters so I'll be fine" she said her voice full of determination.

"Lord Miach. Master Bell sure is taking a while. I hope he's alright" Haruhime worriedly said.

"He's fine little sister. Besides he's probably nervous to come back since he left without telling us. I swear when I get my hands on him" Aisha said.

Bell the white core mage (Being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now