Elderwood guardian

546 24 9

3rd person POV

Ouka and Chigusa were in the town square of Daedalus. It was quiet right now, and so the two were just talking to each other. Their job was to keep an eye on the populace until this situation was over.

Demeter was also here with Persephone and Lunoire handing out free food and drinks to everyone. The guild, of course, tried to manage this, but Demeter told them to fuck off as it's her food, her rules.

"Goddess, are you ok? You seem down," Lunoire asked.

Demeter let out a sigh as her mood wasn't how it usually was. She was normally cheery and ditzy with an undertone of care. But for the past few days, she had been more recluse and sad.

"I'm ok, just worried," she replied, handing a sandwich to someone.

Her children knew who she was worried about. News spread fast of what Bell had done, and how his name was spat and cursed upon in these streets hurt Demeter immensely.

"Want me to go shut them folk up," her captain asked.

"No, Persephone, let's just give these people their food, they've lost a lot as is," Demeter told her.

While yes Demeter did worry about her nephew, she wouldn't deprive these starving people of food just to get back at them.

"Hear me and rejoice," a cloaked figure standing atop a roof said. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to face him. He wore a white cloak and a red porcelain mask to mask his identity.

"Yes, yes, gather around everyone because you all are part of my show tonight, because tonight we see if a hero can save all of you poor souls" The man made a gesture with his hand for showmanship.

Lunoire and Persephone got in front of Demeter to protect her.

"But if he fails, do not worry, your souls will be managed well in heaven."

Multiple other people in white cloaks with hoods covering their faces appeared on the rooftops surrounding the square. All led by a woman with medium-length pink hair and yellow eyes. She wore a black top with black pants that had red lines in them, with both the top and bottom damaged to some extent, leaving her stomach exposed, along with a brown belt around her right thigh and a black coat with fur trimming. Her name was Valletta Grede.

"Oh, I can't wait to see the despair on all of your faces, will your hero show up in time" she sadistically cooed.

Valletta looked around the scared and shocked crowd, almost as if she was looking for someone. Once her eyes landed on Demeter, she glowed with a sadistic gleam.

"Found you," she said in a singsong voice. 

Before Persephone could react, and dart of paralyzing poison found its way into her neck, Lunoire quickly turned around to react but found one in her neck too. Demeter was now left defenseless, just like Valletta wanted.

The rest of the cloaked figures, minus the one in the mask, jumped off their rooftops and engaged the few adventurers there, all the while, Valletta slowly made her way to Demeter.

She dragged her cursed sword along the ground sending up sparks to scare Demeter further.

Demeter tried to run away, but a knife in her leg stopped her as Valletta drew ever closer. Demeter tried to crawl away, but Valletta stepped on the blade, causing it to sink deeper in.

Demeter let out a scream of agony as her children watched helplessly. Valletta kicked Demeter on her back and stepped on her hand, her level-five strength holding her down.

Bell the white core mage (Being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now