Life moves on

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Maria POV

News of what had happened to Bell reached my ears not too long ago, luckily it hadn't reached the kids, but I didn't know how to tell them their big brother might be dead, so I kept quiet, and I waited, and waited, yet I could never find the strength to tell them, I didn't even know if Bell was dead or not. That was until I heard a knock on my door.

I walked to the door and opened it, seeing Lena and Haruhime on the other side. I felt my heart sink a little, scared of the news they were about to tell me.

"Is he dead?" I asked.

Lena shook her head, her face had a solemn look on her face, and Haruhime looked sad as her ears were pressed down a little bit.

Lena then let out a sigh. "He's in a coma, and we don't know when he'll wake up."

I felt my heart break a little hearing the news. What would I tell the kids?

"Please come in...I'll go get the kids," I told them. I couldn't keep hiding the news forever, and now knowing that Bell was alive eased the burden a little. He was alive, but no one knew when he would wake up.

Lena POV

"How do you think the kids will react," I asked Haruhime.

She looked at me out of the corner of her eyes before looking down at the ground. "Not well, they adore Bell, and Rye wants to become just like him. I think it will make them really sad."

I crossed my arms and leaned back, pressing against a wall. "Who's gonna tell them," I asked.

Haruhime's tail wagged in a way that signaled she was nervous, but she answered all the same. "I'll do it. I was there when Rye got shot and comforted them while he was in his coma. They might react better if I tell them."

I nodded my head. "Yeah, you're more gentle than I am. Sorry to drop this on you. I'm not good with bad news stuff, none of its fun or cheery," I grimaced.

Haruhime put her hand on my shoulder. "It's alright, Lena. We each have our ways of coping. Yours just happens to be looking for the positives in a bad situation."

I sighed. "Still, I always saw Bell as a guy who could pull a victory from even the most dire of situations, seeing him being tossed around like he was nothing. I won't lie to you, It scared me."

Haruhime sniffled a little. "Yeah, it was hard to watch. Especially since he's done so much for me."

I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "It's alright, Haruhime. He'll wake up eventually."

She nodded her head before looking up and seeing the kids in front of us. They could tell something was wrong, so they didn't run up like they usually did as Maria brought them down.

"Kids, there's something these two have to tell you," Maria said, her voice serious. The kids heard the seriousness in her voice and grew worried.

"W-where's big brother Bell" Fena asked, looking around. The two did as well.

Haruhime kneeled down so she was at their level and gestured the kids to come closer. They hesitantly did what she asked, looking more and more nervous.

She gulped before speaking. "Kids, your big brother was in a fight...he didn't win, and he's in a coma...we don't know when he'll wake up."

The three kids looked heartbroken at the news as tears started to pool in their eyes. Haruhime grabbed all three of them and wrapped them in a hug, letting them cry as much as they needed. She didn't care that they were getting her kimono wet.

Bell the white core mage (Being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now