Liar liar

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Bell POV

"You look like shit," Regis said as he sat next to me in my hospital bed.

"I feel fine. Meds helped" I responded. Considering I had been stabbed about four times and had my ass kicked by a rock golem and I had a scar going down my left eye. Safe to say I wasn't in the best shape when Shakti finally got to me.

The reason it had taken her so long was because Agrona had unleashed a mana beast horde at the Ganesha members. Yet it only took them seven minutes to beat them back. Probably helped that Shakti was a white core.

I don't blame her for what happened of course. She was busy dealing with another threat and Agrona was watching us the whole time. There was nothing that could've been done.

Knock knock knock

"Come in," I said hearing the knocking. The door opened to reveal Airmid and my familia. They all had looks of nervousness on their faces except for Miach and Nazha. Those two looked worried about how the others reacted.

"Grab a seat we have a lot to talk about," I said my voice portraying no hint of emotion. Why was I always able to do this? I could so easily shut my emotions off. It was like a switch. Is this the Grey part of me? To be able to shut off my emotion at a moment's notice.

The others funneled in and took a seat or grabbed their seat and moved it in front of my bed. But Welf didn't. Instead, he walked up to me and hugged me.

"I'm glad you're ok," he said. His voice was full of warmth and care. There were no hints of maliciousness or anger. Just genuine care. I didn't respond. Instead, I just hugged him back. After a few moments, he let go and took his seat.

"I'm guessing you all want an explanation?" I asked.

"It would certainly help us wrap our heads around it, sir Bell," Mikoto said. I assumed she was going to act as a mediator since she didn't know me that well.

"I was born 15 years ago. In a cabin in the mountains. My grandpa or as you now know him. Zeus raised me for the first seven years of my life. I awakened my mana core when I was five. When I was seven I was playing in the woods with Regis. I wanted to go deeper but he said no. So I kicked him in a place I knew would hurt him and ran off. I was playing in the trees jumping from one to another. When I came across a camp. I already knew this wasn't an ordinary camp as there was a giant cage in the middle of it on top of a cart. I saw two cat people in them. They were dirty and looked sad. So I saved them. I tricked the slavers and set them free. However, a bandit grabbed me and I used flashbang to escape-

"Master Bell that sounds like the story you told me when we first met" Haruhime timidly said.

"I know. Truth is that story was about me and the one with the leviathan was about my aunt" I told her.

"When I got back to my house Zeus took the two in and got them safe transport to Orario. After they left is when my aunt showed up. She walked in like she owned the place and demeaned we started training. Zeus of course didn't want to as I was still a boy but I insisted" I then looked over to my knife on the bedside table.

"So he went into his room and gave me that knife. He said a friend of his made it. Said they owed him a favor. After that seven years of brutal training happened. During that time I picked up archery at 10 because I thought my grandpa looked cool using a bow. So for my birthday Alfia and Zeus gave me my bow. Everything was well and fine. Except of course for my aunt's sickness. That was slowly killing her. Then I was 13 and things started going downhill. A spider bit me and poisoned my mana core. I of course didn't realize it at that time until I was at death's door. So Zeus seeing as he only had one option left used his arcanum to save me. However, I'm just now finding out he did more. A year after that the sickness finally killed my aunt leaving me all alone. With only Regis at my side"

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