- [13: Shut up.]

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- Do you want to stop hanging out with me then, or what?...

Arūna sighed:
- I don't know anymore. I don't know anything anymore. I want to say so many things to those... animals, but I just... I just can't.

- How about you just tell your parents to shut up or something?

Arūna instantly glanced up at Oikawa, a confused but also surprised expression covering her face. She began feeling something inside her chest burn.

- What on earth are you talking about? Do you want me thrown out of the window and burned alive?

He shrugged nonchalantly, but Oikawa looked somewhat irritated.

- I don't know. Tell your parents to suck it up.

Aūna slightly tilted her head sideways as she subtly squinted at Oikawa. The girl tugged at the rim of her t-shirt, fidgeting with it a little. More importantly, where did this even come from?

- What the hell are you going on about? Why would talk about people you don't know like that, Oikawa? They're my parents.

- And you're clearly way too incompetent to deal with them for some reason.

Arūna rigidly clenched the ends of her t-shirt & gradually released. She stared at Oikawa, bewildered by his statements & almost too shocked to mentally process them. She didn't know what to say, what to do or how to even react to his sudden... outbursts?

- And you're too clearly too incompetent to deal with them.

She blinked a few times, even rubbed her eyes as if this was a dream, a sick joke that Arūna imagined for some reason. But every time she would look around, the surroundings were the same. Nothing had changed, time continued moving & she was still in the same place, sitting next to Oikawa.

- ...I'm sorry? Explain, please?

- Think about it already. You have the highest marks out of, pretty much, your entire school, and they think it's right to boss you around? How are you so helpless to say something to them? To at least stop nagging you every chance they get?

- You don't get it at all. I can't argue with them. It'll only make everything worse.

- So you just have to stay helpless and insufferable, then? Do you want to be a perfect victim?

Arūna's alarmed expression shifted to sadness & even slight repulsion. What the hell was going on with him?

- I'm just saying. - Oikawa shrugged. - It's for your own good to tell them to shut up once in a while and not be such a pity to be around.

- It's for my own good, but then you go ahead and call me pitiful? This isn't fucking funny, Oikawa?

- Who the hell said I was joking?

Arūna stood up & stepped away from him. She felt uneasy after seeing such a dry & apathetic gaze stare at her with loathing. It wasn't something that Arūna was used to at all. She could remember vividly how warmly & lovingly Oikawa used to look at her, so seeing such a contrasting face to what she recalled startled her.

- ...Is that really what you think of me? Helpless? A victim?

- Well, I wouldn't be surprised if a validation seeker like you would turn out to be one.

- So why the hell are you with me, then? Why are you even telling me all of this? If anything, most of this shit is because you just can't shut the fuck up and stop texting me for a singular fucking minute. All of this is your fault, honestly.

Oikawa's eyes widened for a moment at the sound of her words but his expression promptly softened after a few seconds of thought. For a moment, he had the urge to roll his eyes & maybe even scoff, but he didn't. Instead, Oikawa felt something scorch within his chest.

Me? I'm the problem? You're the one who keeps agreeing to hang out with me.

- But you can't fucking shut up for a goddamn second when I ask you to?

- Then, how about you get better at hiding your phone from your parents if they're so strict?

He could feel an aching spasm slowly spread through his forehead & the back of his head. A headache pounded inside Oikawa's mind as he argued back. He let out a breathy, forced laugh.

- You're seriously the smartest in your school, but you can't think of how to hide your phone when your parents walk into your room? Now, that's just sad.

For the first time, Oikawa saw Arūna's expressionless face change emotions he'd never seen her experience. For the first time, Oikawa saw sadness mixed with an unrelenting acrimony bleed from her pupils.

- You're such an attention-seeking wannabe. I'm surprised that people even like you, honestly. - Arūna glanced up at the white seeling.

Oikawa's stomach felt cold at this point. The burning in his head stopped little by little, yet it was replaced by a buzzing white noise in his head instead.

Arūna felt her head torching up as if the strain started burning below her skin & igniting her flesh. She lightly gripped her fringe before staring at the floor. Her heartbreak took over whatever fury she had left.

...I'm going home. - Arūna whispered after a sigh.

She took a step away from Oikawa even though there already was a great distance between them. The rage inside her head, causing her the headache, was dispersing. All she could feel now was something building up in the corners of her eyes & her frenzy-filled gaze had suddenly dropped.

- Really? You're just running away now? To where? Get yelled at again?

Arūna bit her lip. She hastily went past Oikawa & headed to her stuff. Arūna unzipped her bag, her hand almost shaking as she placed away her empty water bottle & the volleyball Oikawa put aside not too long ago.

- You have nowhere safe to go. You get told off at home all the time, and at school, you're nothing but a walking textbook to others. So, where the hell do you plan to go even go?

She zipped the bag up & threw the straps over her shoulders.

- See you later. - Arūna mumbled, barely hearing herself as she walked past Oikawa towards the court's exit.




A/N: Pov you're an artist in maths class:

Also, double update today cause I just turned sixteen(I want to be sperm again)

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Also, double update today cause I just turned sixteen(I want to be sperm again).

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