Chapter 10 - Spiteful words.

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"I cant believe it! How could he? Is he stupid!" Tori spat out as Spencer and Hanna walked beside her. "So like, he just paired you up with Michael?" Spencer asked. "Yeah, i walked into class and Mr Fitz was like so yeah....your kinda paired up with him" Tori shook her head. "Turned to the door, and realised i wasnt on my own...paired up with that asshole!" Tori sighed as they got to Spencer's car.

Getting in Hanna laughed a little as she closed the door. "Wow, Mr Fitz may have something in for you" Hanna joked. "I dont think so, i just think my senior year is supposed to be a dark, time. Last year, wasnt too bad and now because im graduating this year its fucking me around! If i dont pass english because of that prick, i seriously will go crazy! I cant fail english, i only have one plan for college!" Tori whined a little as she stuck her belt on "Ready?" Spencer asked the girls, as she started up the car.

"You wont fail Tori, your good in english" Spencer smiled at her. "Its not just our essays. We have to hand in two mini essays, then one full essay. Full of quotes, answering questions, and to top it all off...we have to make up a mind map type poster. Oh and did i mention that half the grade is each of our work?!" Tori looked out the window. "What do you mean?" Hanna asked. "Because we're working together, most of this term half the grade is half our work. Like my essays and work will count half as the completing mark, and his work is the other half. We both have to pass each to pass the full thing!"

"Woah, that aint fair." Hanna told them. "Yeah, why does he have to be with you?" Spencer asked. "Because apparently Mr Fitz only trusts me to pair up with him...because i get my work done. Does he not realise, Michael doesnt even show up for half the classes and doesnt turn any work in!" Tori told them. "Hey, look all you can do is be always do well in english" Hanna told her. "Yah, you've been passing it since middle school!" Spencer laughed softly.

Tori turned to her, a small smile on her face. "Yeah, but thats not the point. This year could be different, i dont want to fail...i cant fail" Tori sighed shaking her head. "If you have problems with him, just tell Fitz" Spencer told her. "He knows! He said, if it doesnt work out ill let you finish alone...but he needs both our marks, and when i told him that he just said oh we'll sort some out" Tori scoffed. "Yeah, too little too late" She shook her head.

"Oh! This year has it in for me! I have to be with him in english! He's behind me in health and hes at my station is home ec...." Tori looked at the girls. "Woah, which teacher did you piss off last year?" Hanna joked. "Dont worry Tori, hes an idot. He wont care...." "Yeah thats what im worried about" Tori told her. "....dont worry about about him in those other classes, just get your head down in english. Tell Mr Fitz, to keep eyes on him!" Spencer turned the car into her drive.

"Mmmm!" Tori shook her head. "Can we...stop talking about this. I need a break, and its just started today! I've got to listen to him drone on tomorrow!" She unbuckled belt and sighed. "Ugh! He's suck an ass. Stupid, mother fucking cunt!" Tori cursed. "Okay, calm down. You need tea" Spencer told her. "She needs more than tea Spence" Hanna shook her head. "Well we cant have anything else, my parents will be home soon and its monday!" Spencer warned Hanna as they got out her car.

"I hate school. I hate people. I hate teachers..." Tori went on. "Tori, babe....please" Hanna took her arm. "Your worrying us!" She told her. "Just let her get all her anger out" Spencer giggled. "But im getting pissed off" Hanna sighed. "Then leave! You dont have to listen to me go on and on about how..." Hanna cut Tori off by covering her mouth. "I think you need chocolate..." Hanna smiled. "You just need to put more effort than more into your own essays Tor..." Spencer told her as they walked into her house.

"Its always people we dont like. I cant fucking get a break at that school. Its shit!" Tori sat down on Spencer's sofa and threw her bag down. "Can i just skip it...can i just attened AP writing?" Tori asked. "No! Because you cant just pass AP need...english" Hanna sat beside her. "Its creative writing Han, not english" Tori told her. "Isnt it the same?" She asked. "No, english is a subject where you cover most things. AP Creative Writing is...what the name says. The AP is just...a higher grade" Spencer told Hanna as she set out cups.

"Oh...okay...." Hanna nodded. "Mmm" Tori nodded with her. "Id be happy to swap class with you Han..." Tori turned to Hanna. "Listen, if he has anything to say, kick him my way. I'll knock him down a step or two...literally" Hanna smiled. "Be quiet!" Spencer laughed as she walked over with tea, then cookies. "Hmm, well if you hear screaming and punching tomorrow, you dont have to leave your classrom to know it'll be me kicking the shit out of Clifford" Tori sighed as she sipped some tea.

"Ha, dont worry about it. We may jump in" Hanna nugded. "Okay, stop with this. We're not in school right now, so....lets talk about something else" She grinned before drinking some tea. "....I saw him in the music store on Saturday" Tori blurted out. "What? when?" Spencer asked. "I went downstairs, and...i saw him. He spoke to me, and we were talking to Johnny" Tori told them. "Whos Johnny?" Hanna asked. "Johnny....he works in the music store" Tori told her bluntly.

"Oh! him, yeah we've spoken to him a few times" Spencer smiled. "Yeah, well he was like how do you know each other, and i was like wait how do you know him?! And Michael was asking the same....i dont know it was weird" Tori admitted as she sighed. "....and did he talk to you like his usual bullshit way?" Spencer asked. "No, it was different. I felt...a little awkward. It was weird, we stood next to each other as i got my magazine, and...i dont know" Tori sighed.

"When did he start talking bullshit to you?" Hanna asked. "Recently this year...but he was kinda doing it last year, remember?" Tori asked. "A little...but it was teasing stuff Tor" Spencer nodded. "Yeah, but hes still a prick" Tori told them. "Has he actually done anything hurtful?" Hanna asked. ".....No....I...dont think so. He is just so annoying!" She looked at them. Hanna raised an eyebrow as she stared at Tori. "What?" Tori asked. "Nothing..." She shrugged.

Turning to each other Spencer and Hanna exchanged a look. "What is it?!" Tori demanded. "Nothing" Spencer shook her head. "Why dont along?" Hanna turned to her. "Like...if he starts...just mirror it back to him" Hanna told her. "Thats pointless. If i mirror it back to him, im basically saying i would like to have sex with him in a corner....." Tori shook her head. "Im pretty sure he doesnt mean a corner" Spencer laughed a little.

"Well, in a classroom, bedroom, wherever his little nasty ass prefers" Tori spat out. Spencer and Hanna began to laugh a little. "Its not funny! He literally said to me in health the other day is my virginity  screaming to come out..." Tori scoffed. A small silence sat with them. "Hm! Didnt you lose your V when you sophmore year?" Hanna asked. Tori turned to her a little offended. "Uhhh no! I dated Colby for like...a month and we done nothing." Tori shook her head.

"Sorry...." Hanna began. "Wow, heres me thinking we're best friends!" Tori looked at Spencer. "No, i just thought...." Hanna started. "No, we didnt do anything. He was a weird, akward person like me. We kissed once and it was a summer i want to forget...." Tori laughed. "What happened to Colby....?" Hanna asked. "He moved. Uh, last year. He started college early tooo" Spencer told them. "Oohh fancy" Tori mocked a little.

"No, good for him..." Tori sighed before sipping more tea. "He was too smart for me, i could not keep up with him in freshman year. He was in most of my classes and wow." Hanna ate a cookie. "Well, lets hope hes doing well." Tori nodded. "Yeah! Well...i better try and make a start on this essay" Tori sighed. "Yeah, beat his ass by writing one first" Hanna smirked. "Funny...." Tori mocked as she grabbed her bag.

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