Friday Lunch time.
Tori sat out of sorts from listening to her friends. They sat sat at a table, eating lunch and talking amongst themselves. Tori, sat staring into space thinking about what had happened over the course of the week. As much as she would like to admit it, and not like what was happening, her mind and body was telling different. Yet, she couldnt help but think it was all just Michael messing with her.
On a catch up, she repeated in her head.
Monday, english - Had a fight, apologised and he told her he would have sex with her.
Tuesday, walking down the hallway - He smiled at her before winking making her a little weirded out.
Wednesday, in home ec - when he kept brushing past her. Also when she was in history with Luke, he asked her if she doing anything doing her free period of friday.
Thursday, english - Which results in today to the fact he hasnt said one word to her since Tuesday. Not in english, home ec, not a word. Just acting weird, and giving out random seductive looks. Tori didnt really mind, but now....
Friday, lunch time - ... here she sat at lunch not knowing what was going on. Was he just messing with her, trying to make it sound like he...liked her but all he was doing was being the asshole self he is, to maybe get back at Tori's remark in english about him.
She had a headache from thinking about it all, and she actually disliked herself for thinking about him after school when she was at home! She couldnt help but go through it in her mind, over and over to try and figure out what his problem...or what he was planning of doing. He was acting this weird way, yet he hasnt said anything.
"Hey you okay?" Spencer interupted her thoughts and brought her back to life. "What? ... Yeah i'm fine. Just thinking" She lied looking at her. "You sure?" Spencer raised an eyebrow. "Yes. Im fine thanks..." Tori sighed and smiled around the table at her friends. "So, free period. I have one, second last period and you have one you want to sit up in science with me till i finish my assignment?" Spencer asked her.
"Uh, sure. No problem" Tori smiled at her. "Ugh! Free periods, its so unfair! When will i get a proper free period? Im telling you, Ms Jenkins is making my timetable bogus!" Hanna pointed. "What a surprise. Are we really that shocked by it? Its Ms Jenkins...." Spener smiled, as Caleb laughed.
"Look babe, apply for a free period. Swap one of your study periods...." Caleb smiled at her. "For an extra subject? No thanks" Hanna sighed. "Thats what you get for picking P.E in column B" Tori giggled. "MmHm, your should've picked reglios column B!" Toby butted in, mocking slightly before grinning at Tori. "See, we're smart that way" Tori laughed before drinking some water.
"So, what are you in?" Hanna asked Tori and Spencer. "Two free periods" Tori asnwered her. "Free period, actually" Spencer smiled. "Ugh, im in french....then US Modern studies" Hanna sighed shaking her head. "Yeah, and your not coming out the class to an invitation this week" Spencer smiled. Realisin what she meant, Tori sighed and shook her head. "Hey dont worry, it wasnt that bad" Spencer nudged Tori.
"No, no....totally not. My scene, it was brillaint!" Tori told her sarcastically. "I thought you...werent getting on with his anyway? Why did he invite you and us to a party?" Hanna picked up her water. "I dont know, and i dont really care!" Tori told her wide eyed. "Mmm!" Caleb tutted a little. "Dont act like you dont like got smashed!" Tori told Caleb. "I dont like him. It wasnt his party, i just wanted a drink" Caleb shrugged. "Yeah exactly....." Tori smiled shaking her head.
Just then the bell went and groaning once more before standing, Hanna grabbed her folder. "Right, see you guys home time" Spencer smiled and Tori nodded before the both of them headed up to science. "So, i know we're all friends...but i didnt really want to ask this..." Spencer spoke quietly to Tori. " there a little liking towards Michael?" She asked her quietly. Tori looked at her. "What?! No...i dont. I seriously dislike him!" Tori sighed.