Chapter Four: Class

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You wash Yuji for another bath, giving him head scratches to keep him relaxed and calm. But it seems like he doesn't mind baths. You dry him off and place him back in his bed. As you walk away you notice that Yuji is following you.

"Hm, you're a little clingy, huh?" you hummed.

"Y/N! We need to get going! Feed the cats and let's go!" Mika called, reminding her roommate about school.

Ah right, the first day of school. Well, you hope the two will be fine by themselves and won't kill each other by the time you get home. Speaking of, where is the feisty one? He hasn't been spotted since breakfast.

"Meow," Yuji spoke as he poked at the zipped-up backpack. "No Yuji, you can't come with me," you said, picking up your bag. "Mika let's go!"

"I'm waiting for you," Mika said while holding her bag, with Sukuna's head poking out. He looked grumpy as ever and slightly defeated. You walk up to her and noticed the grumpy cat. She's not actually going to take him right? But she doesn't look happy about it either.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to bring that little gremlin with you?" you asked, worried. "What if he shits in your bag or something?"

Sukuna looked offended and hissed at you as if to say "eat shit". "Well, it's either my school stuff or our posters that are getting ruined " Mika reasoned while grabbing her car keys. "Alright," you sighed.

You kneeled in front of Yuji and patted his head. "Yuji we'll be back soon okay," you soothe, smiling at him. "Don't burn the place down while we're gone alright." Yuji meowed in response as if saying "I'll protect the place with my life". But to the two humans, it was just a basic cute meow.

As soon as the two left, Yuji was left alone to his thoughts. "Man, what am I supposed to do? How long are they going to be gone?" Yuji mumbled to himself. "I hope they come back soon." He curled up on the couch, wanting time to pass by quickly.

He walks around the apartment, looking for something to do. First, he went into your room and jumped onto your bed. He lays down, rolling back and forth to try to pass the time. But he grew bored of that quickly.

Next, he went to try to see how far he could jump onto the dresser. He managed to touch the dresser but fell on his back. He hissed in pain, but he tried again and again until he successfully stuck the landing.

He cheered and looked at the clock on your nightstand to see only ten minutes has passed.

"What the hell am I going to do!?" he yells, rolling on your bed again.

Next, he headed for Mika's room and the number of posters of Sukuna was disheartening. To think someone as nice as her would like Sukuna of all people. He doesn't get it. He looks to see her stack of plushies and lets out a gasp.

He sees himself!

"There's hope for her!" he screams. He then notices that the poor plush has claw marks on it. Most likely Sukuna's doing. If Yuji wasn't taken care of by kind people, had morals, and had empathy, he would rip Sukuna's posters, plushies, and everything apart!

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