Chapter Eighteen: Broken Friendship

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Yuji entered the hospital room, where you stared at him in anticipation. You anxiously pet Anp, thankfully the nurses let you keep Anp as a way to keep you calm. "Did you manage to call Sukuna? Or did Mika answer the phone?" You asked, worriedly. Yuji lets out a sigh as he walks to your bedside, rubbing the back of his head. "It was Sukuna, he found Mika," Yuji informed you. As Yuji sits down beside you, Anp hissed at him and his fur rises. "Hey, hey Yuji's friendly," you tell Anp, petting him to try to calm him down.

Yuji hisses back at Anp, the fur on his hidden tail puffing up in his shirt. "Guys stop," You tell them, feeling your head pounding. Despite the medicine the doctors are prescribing you, it feels like you're suffering from a painful migraine. Groaning in pain, you lean forward and grasp your head.

"Are you alright, muffin?" Yuji asked worriedly, as his hand immediately went to support you. He was careful to help you lean against his chest as you cradle your head. "Just have a headache, well that's an understatement," you chuckle weakly. It feels like someone is taking a damn sledgehammer and slamming it onto your skull.

"I can get you more pain medications! Or- or an ice pack! Or a wet towel! Maybe even a better cat! I can turn into a cat if you want!" Yuji sputtered frantically. You smile at his recommendations and slightly shake your head. "No it's okay, but tell me did Sukuna at least tell you that Mika is okay? What about Daniel?"

"He told me Mika was alive and to not interrupt him, and fuck off," Yuji grumbled with an unhappy look. Sounds like that asshole. You groan and slowly lay down, with Yuji's help. As soon as you rest your head against the pillow, Anp moves up to lie beside your head. Anp's chin rests on your forehead and his tail curls against your neck, even purring. This was odd to you as Anp was not that affectionate towards you.

"Mine!" Yuji hissed as he moved you slightly away from the cat, his tail slipping out of his shirt and wrapping around your arm. "Yuji, put that away!" You whispered loudly. "What if the nurse walks in and sees the tail!" But Yuji didn't listen, the two cats just hissed at each other. So Yuji then climbs into bed, careful of your IVs and plugs, and embraces you. "What is the big deal, you stupid furry?!" Anp hissed out.

"She is my girlfriend, you pest, so back off, asshole!" Yuji hissed back, holding you close to him. His tail moved off of your arm and instead wrapped halfway around your waist. You have an annoyed expression as you lie there, glaring at the ceiling as the two just hiss at each other in cat language. 'Why, why God why?' You thought, closing your eyes and hoping they would stop soon.

Though to help calm Yuji down, your fingers brush through his soft tail. Yuji sighed and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, purring a bit. He even pulled the blanket to cover you both and you bask in his warmth. You still couldn't help but be worried about your best friend, where was she? She's alone with Sukuna of all people, that's basically Satan right there. Yeah she didn't trust you and that's a hard pill to swallow, but leaving her with Sukuna? You don't want her to die.

You know he has an interest in her, but this guy has killed people and Curses for less. What if he decided Mika had no use for him in any way? Does he just see her as a small fling? Someone to use and toss aside? You didn't know and that terrifies you.

"Honey, you're making a face, are you alright?" Yuji asked in a hushed tone, looking worried. You slowly turn your head to meet his eyes. "What if Sukuna kills her?" you asked, whispering. Yuji opened his mouth to protest, but then remembered it was Sukuna they were talking about. "Oh, shit" Yuji muttered with a look of realization. You wanted to rip your IVs out of your arms and find her, but the drugs are making you tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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