Chapter Fourteen: Pending Problem

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You and Yuji giggle as you two play on your game system. Yuji is playing as this big buff man and you're the acrobatic lady. For hours you two played this game and his tail is wrapped around your arm, all snuggly.

"Watch out for the chainsaw guy!" You warn Yuji as you expertly dodge the masked chainsaw man.

"I'm trying, but he's too quick!" Yuji said, scrambling to look for more ammo. He let out a loud gasp when he almost died, his life flashing before his eyes until you took a shotgun and shot the chainsaw maniac away from your boyfriend.

"Hands off my man, bitch!" You cursed, unloading ten rounds of shotgun shells into the enemy's body. "B-Babe, that was all your ammo!" Yuji said in a panic.

"It was well spent, he tried to kill my man!" You argued. Yuji was in admiration of how protective you were of him. While he was distracted his character got shot with an arrow and died. "Oh no!" You exclaimed as the Game Over screen popped up.

"Ah, sorry Y/N!" Yuji apologized. You smile and reach up to scratch behind his ear. "Hey, it's okay, we were so distracted by the chainsaw guy that we forgot about the archers," you reassure him. He purrs as he leans into your hand and smiles.

"I'm going to get some water, is there anything you want?" He asked as his tail, unfortunately, unwrapped from your arm. "Water too, please," you said, smiling up at him. He leaves the room and heads to the kitchen. He hears Mika's voice and turns around to greet her since he hadn't seen her since last night.

"Hey Mika how's it- oh." Yuji's words are cut short when he sees Daniel sitting on the sofa beside Mika. "Didn't know we were having company," Yuji mutters, trying to keep up the happy person. "," Daniel said, forgetting Yuji's name. Daniel stared at Yuji's ears and Yuji quickly hides his tail by sliding it up his large shirt and having his tail wrap around his waist.

"I'm trying out a cosplay, I wanted Mika's opinion," Yuji quickly lies. Mika nods fast as she smiles at Daniel. "Yeah, it's looking good so far Yuji, you should add some more uh....stuff to it," Mika said, trying to come up with something. Daniel slowly nods and Yuji notices Sukuna is sitting on Mika's lap in cat form.

Sukuna is currently glaring at Daniel, forcing the man to keep his distance from Mika. "What are you two doing in there? Sounds like you're cursing someone out," Mika asked, raising her brow. "Oh, Y/N and I are fighting against zombies, I just came to get us some water," Yuji answers as he grabs two bottles of water.

But now he was stuck, he didn't want to leave Mika alone with Daniel and Sukuna. You're waiting for him in your room to spend time with him. Maybe he can explain and-

"Hey Yuji, is everything okay? You're taking a minute," your soft voice comes up behind him. He turns to you to explain that he was coming back just now, but your gaze is now on Daniel. 'Oh great, this guy is here,' you thought. "Oh wow, company," you said, putting on a strained smile. Daniel gives you a half-assed wave as Mika pets Sukuna. "Hey Y/N, you guys stayed in your room for a long time, you usually get up at five in the morning," Mika points out.

"Oh yeah, Yuji and I woke up and decided to play a game," you answer her, yawning a bit. "We've actually been playing since three in the morning," Yuji said, chuckling. "Yeah, I've been teaching my man to fight zombies and uppercut them!" You giggle as your hand presses against his stomach. Yuji fought everything in him to not jump in his spot as your hand is right on top of his tail.

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