Chapter Twelve: Recovery is Chaotic

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In the night, there are the sounds of groaning and whimpering. The sound of something being dragged along the concrete ground as well as a wet sound. A man groans as he pressed himself against an alley wall, trying to use it as support due to his leg not working.

He was attacked by some large figure, the figure was strong. It almost felt inhumane as the man suddenly knocked him back and stabbed him with something thin and long. It punctured his back and he was unable to use his left leg.

There were others like him, he had seen the news before about these specific killings. He knew this was the man that killed them. But being on this side, there was no way this was a human, no human moved, or behaved like this. What did this creature want from him?

He tried to move forward, but it was so dark and he was so weak. The next thing he feels is a burning pain in his right eye. He cries in agony as he backs away from whatever assaulted him. His stumbling caused him to fall to the ground and he can see the outline of the man that followed him. When did he get here? He didn't hear him follow him!

"No... Please... Why?" He rasped as he tried crawling. The man, with a hood over his head, simply kneels beside him.

The stranger did not respond as he pressed his hand against the wound and muttered, "Reverse Cursed Technique..." Nothing seemed to happen, as the man whimpered under him. The stranger lets out a huff of annoyance before flipping his victim onto his back. He grips his face and places his palm over the man's injured eye.

"Reverse cursed technique," he mutters again.

Nothing happened. Another dud. He grips the man's hair, pulling back with enough force to expose his neck. The stranger digs the knife into his neck and then slices it open, killing him.

The stranger stuffs the knife into his pocket and leaves the area.

"Today, another murder happened in our city," the news reported, as Mika watched the news. It was the same each time, the killer would rip out their right eye, and immobilize their left leg. Before killing them briefly after.

"Man, this is depressing," Mika muttered as she leaned back. She then turned to look at Sukuna, who was in cat form, sitting next to her.

It's been three weeks since the first killing, during the same time you and Mika were released from the hospital. As soon as you and Mika returned home, a sudden serial killer emerged. So far, the number of deaths increased by the day, looks like the killer wasn't going to stop any time soon.

"Don't you think so?" She asked rhetorically. Sukuna looks up at her, swishing his tail from side to side. "Mew," is all he said. He turns to watch the news and sees that the kills are piling up by the day. He needs to take his time in his work, so he doesn't get caught.

In the background, Yuji chased you around in his cat form. You let out small giggles as you continue to run around the apartment. "Oh no, the Tiger of the uh, West? Is chasing me!" Their chase was interrupted by a knock on their door. 

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