Touchy (Bandi x Reader)

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TW: Smut, female x male, blow jobs, female dom.
( Your already bf and gf )

Y/n's POV:

I was sat in my room, bored out of my mind, when suddenly an idea popped into my head. Ethan was in his office right now, not paying any attention to me! So, I was gonna make him pay attention to me, by making him horny. I got up and walked over to his office. The door was shut, so I opened it slowly and made sure he wasn't recording. He wasn't, luckily. I walked over to him, closing the door behind me, and stood by the side of his desk. He took a second before he looked up at me, "Hey." He greeted me with a smile. I made a sad pout in response. "Whats wrong?" He said, in a sorta teasing tone. "I'm bored." I admitted. He chuckled, "Y/n, we have been dating for a year and a half, I know your not bored." I made a fake angry face and he spun his chair around so he was fully facing me. He patted his lap, signaling for me to sit there. I did as instructed and sat on his lap. He kissed my forehead and said "Why did you really come in here?" I, embarassed, buried my face into the crook of his neck. "Because I want you." I mumbled. "Thats what I thought." He wispered suductivly into my ear, before picking me up and carrying me back to the bedroom. He put me on the edge of the bed and sat down infront of me (If that makes sense). He began removing clothes, as did I until he was naked and I was in my underwear and bra. What a day to wear a matching set! I crawled closer to him stopping infront of his unattended boner. I licked the tip, making him moan, before I took his whole length into my mouth. I gagged slightly at the sensation before bobbing my head up and down, he moaned an grabbed onto my hair, making me go faster. I looked up at him with desprate eyes before I felt his dick twitch. I removed my mouth from his shaft. He gave a sad, almost angry, look. I smirked before unclipping my bra revealing my breats to him. Moving closer to him, until I was sat on top of him, I began grinding my clothed pussy against his throbbing cock. He looked desprate, but I loved teasing him. He rolled his head bak in pleasure as I continued grinding him. "Y/n, P-please." I giggled slightly before deciding to give him what he wants. I really liked being dominant actually, I should be like this more often. I stood up removing my wet panties, I kissed him hard. "We don't need a condom baby, I'm on the pill." I stated. He smirked and moaned as I slid him inside of me. I threw my head back in pleasure when I got all of him inside me. After a few seconds I began moving, up and down and moaning loudly. I kept riding him like this, both of us a sweaty moaning mess at this point, after around 25 minutes of this I was starting to get really tired and he was too. A few more lazy thrusts and he suddenly grabbed my hips, slamming me down onto him and cumming deep inside me. He let out a broken moan as he came, and I whined slightly in pleasure. After a few minutes of catching our breath, he pulled out and we both collapded beside eachother. Panting and sweating Ethan said "I will go and get towels so we can clean up." I giggled "Ok." After we cleaned up we both fell asleep, spooning.

Timeskip to the next morning...

Ethans POV:

Me and Y/n woke up at a similar time and we decided we should go downstairs and get some breakfast. We went down into the kitchen where Elijah was sat at the table on his phone. He looked up at us when we walked in. He had a stupid smile on his face, and suprisingly I've known Elijah all my life and I know what that look means. "What?" I asked him, annoyed. "Did you two have fun last night?" He cguckled at his own stupid joke. "Ha Ha." I said sarcastically. "What?" He laughed "You're really loud!" And with that he walked away, still laughing to himself. Y/n looked at me blushing and we both burst out in laughter too.

"I guess we got caught being a little too touchy!" She giggled.


777 Words

EEEEEEEEEEE Thats all :3 Anyways Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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