Stalker (Requested) Albert x Fem reader

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Ty for the request benoftheweeklover sorry it took me ages I hope this is ok 4 u ^.^

Reader's POV:

I was sitting on my bed, scrolling through insta when I suddenly had this strange feeling that I was being watched. This was a feeling I got a lot latley, I don't know why. I went over to my window and checked, no one was there, as expected. I sighed and went back over to sit on my bed, I don't know why I felt so paranoid, I brushed it off for now and went back to scrolling on my phone.

15 minutes later...

I got bored of my phone, so I went to the kitchen to get water. I poured water into the glass and took a couple of sips, I suddenly gasped and dropped the glass, it instantly shattering on the ground. There is a window right infront of my kitchen sink and I swear I could see a figure standing outside, I backed away and when I looked again, nothing was there. I was breathing heavily and when I finally got myself back together I cleaned up the broken glass from the floor. Should I call the police or am I really just paranoid. Theres no one there now so I decided I'm just paranoid and probably need sleep.

During the night, when she is sleeping...

Albert's POV:

I watch her all the time, shes so beautiful, I just can't help it. I spend most of my days scrolling through her pics because I just love her so much. She recently broke up with her boyfriend, so I considered this my chance. I was watching her today and she noticed me, nothing came of it, I ran away before she could see me, but watching her just isn't enough. I want to be with her, give her the love she deserves and never let her leave me. I decided today was the day, the day I would break in. I've wanted to do this for ages but never have, she almost spotted me today though, I can't have her getting suspicious so I'll just have to keep her quiet. I quickly prepared my stuff, I had rope, a weapon (just in case) and a lockpick so I can actually get in. I walked over to her house, it wasn't so far away from mine so I don't have to drive. When I finally arrived at her house, I started picking the lock on her front door, I doubt anyone will see me since its almost 2 am. After a few minutes of fiddling with the lock, it clicked open. I cheered in my mind and entered the house. It was silent, good, that means she is sleeping.

Reader's POV:

I was sleeping peacefully when I suddenly felt a presence... at first I thought I might have been dreaming or something but then, I suddenly heard footsteps on my stairs. My eyes shot open and I got out of bed. Being the dumbass I am, my first thought was to leave the room and investigate, but then I remebered thats how people die in horror movies. In the end I decided to investigate anyway. I crept out of my room and stood at the top of the staircase. I was to scared to move, my assumption was right... someone was there. A tall man with brown hair, I couldn't see his face very well though.

"Hello there, my love~" His voice was very masculine yet high pitched. Who the fuck is in my house right now?

To be continued...

600 Words

Sorry it took me forever. Its summer break now so i'm gonna try and write more I've just been hella unmotivated. Thanks again benoftheweeklover for ur request. Hope its ok <3 Anyways baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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