Not how we planned (Jayingee x Reader)

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TW: Male x Male, smut.
Story was requested by Trans_goat Tysm!!!

Backstory: You and Jake have been friends online for 2 years and you finally decide to meet up, however things don't go exactly as you planned [insert smirk emoji here]...

Y/n POV:

I was so excited! I was finally going to meet my online best friend, Jake!! I had just finished packing and was waiting, impatiently, for my uber. I finally got a text saying my uber was here, hooray! I grabbed my stuff and got in the car heading to the airport. The ride was long and boring, the driver didn't talk at all, I guess I didn't mind though. When we finally reached the airport, I got out of the car and thanked the driver (I don't know how ubers work T-T) before I entusiastically went to check myself in.

Lazy af timeskip to on the flight-

I was really tired, and I was also getting kinda nervous. I mean I had known Jake for 2 years now but I just had a bad feeling, probably just nerves. I eventually drifted to sleep and didn't wake up until the end of the flight. I got off the plane and thtough secruity, eventually, and texted Jake to let him know I was here and needed picking up.


Y- I'm here! Pls pick me up!!!!!
J- Ok, Omw :)

-End of texts lol-

Y/n's POV

After around an hour of waiting, I finally saw a regognizable face. "Jake!" I yelled, waving to him. He ran up to me and I ran up to him,we almost bumped into each other but luckily we didn't. We both hugged tightly, he was blushing slightly but I just brushed it off. "Its so good to finally meet you irl!" I said "Yeah! Its great to meet you too!" We both smiled before he helped me with my stuff and led me to his car. The car ride back to his house was nice! We talked more about our personal lives and a little about video games and stuff like that. When we arrived at his house , and got all my stuff inside, he offered to give me tour! I said yes, of course. He had a really nice house. We ended the tour in his bedroom, "Ummm, I don't know if you noticed, but I only have one room. I don't have a guest room." He laughed nervously "You can sleep on the couch could sleep with me." "I'd love to sleep with you..." I mumbled, out loud! I instantly realised I said that aloud and felt my face heat up. I looked up at Jake blushing aswell, is he embarrassed or did he want me to say that?

Jake POV:

My face went beet red as Y/n said he wanted to...sleep with me. "Honestly that would be a dream come true." I smirked. I decided to entertain the thought of having sex with him. His head shot up and his face got redder when I said that. I walked over to him, picking him up. He squealed and I took him over to my bed, pinning him down. "You wanna sleep with me baby?" I asked in a quiet yet suductive tone. He giggled "Yes Daddy!" He replied. The nickname made me start to get hard. I slid one of my hands under his shirt, toying with his nipples as I gave him hickes on his neck and collar bone. He moaned softly at the touch, I pulled my lips away and he whimpered. I slid his shirt over his head so it was finally off. I stood up for a second, removing my shirt aswell, then my jeans. He took that as a sign to take his pants off. "Boxers to baby, I wanna see your sweet dick." I instructed. He did as told and slid his boxers off, chucking them on the floor beside him. When I was naked aswell, I grabbed him and put him in doggy position. I grabbed lube from the drawer, poured the cool liquid onto my dick and spread it around before lining myself up with his hole. With no warning, I thrusted into him. He let out a lewd moan and grabbed the sheets tightly. I continued thrusting him, getting faster and harder as I went. We carried on, he was moaning so loudly "I'm Goh-gonna Cuhm-" He slurred in between moans. He didn't even give me chance to speak before practically screaming and cumming everywhere. I felt myself get sloppy and I was close to finishing aswell. As I thought that I came, groaning as I realeased my load into the smaller male. We were both panting as I pulled out, I grabbed him and carried him bridal style to the bathroom to clean up. "Heh, this meet up didn't really go as planned-" He laughed. "I think that it did. I've wanted to do that to you for a long time!" I chuckled in response.


850 Words

Requested by Trans_goat Anyways Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii UwU

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