Happiness (Requested, Albert and Kaden)

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Requested by Little_prankster Tysm for the request!!
TW: Nothing!! This is a wholesome story :3
Backstory (kinda): Kaden is visiting Albert in Florida and they hang out, just the two of them.

Alberts POV:

I was really excited because today was the day my best friend Kaden was coming to visit me in Florida. We had been planning to hang out for months now! I was sat on the couch waiting for him to arrive. Suddenly, my phone beeped, he texted me to tell me to pick him up from the airport. I got off the couch and went to grab my keys before heading into my car and driving to the airport.

Timeskip to when Albert arrives...

Kadens POV:

After what seemed like hours of waiting, I finally got a text from Albert saying he was here. I walked over to the entrance and smiled when I saw him. "Hey!" I said, walking over to him. A smile appeared on his face "Hi Kaden!" We hugged and then he lead me to his car. After getting my stuff in, I hopped into the passenger seat and he got in the drivers seat. The drive was pleasant, we talked and made stupid jokes, like we always do. When we got to his house, we got all the stuff out of the car and he helped me get settled in the guest room. "You wanna play roblox?" He asked. I nodded eagerly "What game though?" I thought aloud. "Hmmm, what about we play the new doors update together!" He sugested. I nodded "Ok." We both went and sat in his recording room, he sat at his desk and I sat on the bean bag chair. He was playing on PC, of course, but I had to play on mobile. We logged into the game and joined a 2 player server. I died to Rush so quickly. I screeched and chucked my phone, pretending to be mad. Albert laughed at my little tantrum, "You wanna log in on my laptop?" I asked, still giggling. I giggled to "Yes please, I suck at playing the mobile verson!" He handed me his laptop and I logged into my account.

Alberts POV:

Kaden logged into his Roblox, again, and we rejoined the game. This time we did pretty well, we both died on door 81. I groaned, it would have been better if we made it to the end. I shut my computer off and stood up to stretch. "Should we do something else?" I asked. "I don't know, I'm really tired after my flight and stuff." Kaden answewed. "Thats fine! You wanna go to bed?" He thought for a second, "We could maybe watch a movie?" He suggested. "Sure!" I nodded. We went downstairs and sat next to eachother on the couch. I went on Netflix and put on some random anime film, since Kaden likes anime, after about half an hour into the film, I felt something touch my shoulder. Kaden fell asleep, I got up so he wasn't uncomfortable, I don't really think he wants to wake up on top of me. I grabbed a blanket and threw it over him, I didn't really want to wake him up, I shut off the TV and the lights before heading to my own bed.


552 Words

I'm sorry if this is cringe T-T also I'm hella sick rn XD. Thanks again Little_prankster for the request! I hope this is ok, if not I can redo it. Anyways Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii               

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