You...again Pt 1 (Glitch x Fem reader) Request!!!

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Heyy, sorry I keep taking long breaks, I'm finishing school soon so I have a lot of exams plus my mom been kinda sick so I've been super caught up in life. I do hope to make a return to the platform and update my books more often as well make some new ones. As always I wanna thank you all for reading my shitty stories and being so paitent. Love y'all <3 Thanks so much to KrpcekKrtecek for this request and this story will contain some mild smut.

Reader's POV:
I was so excited for today!! I was going to my first event as a roblox YouTuber and I was looking foward to meeting new people and my wonderful fans. I had all my stuff packed as the event was out in LA. I have never been there but I know it was supposed to be super sunny during the event. I hauled all my bags into my car and doubled checked I had gotten everything before setting off. I drove myself off to the airport, listening to some of my favourite songs in the car, singing my heart out like a lunatic. I turned the stereo down as I got close to the airport, searching relentlessly for a place to park my car. Once I found a space I hauled all my bags out of the trunk and did a little happy leap as I locked my car. I slid my phone into my pocket and grabbed the handles on my suitcases. I went to go through check ins and security, got my boarding pass and went to get myself some food. I went into a little coffee shop in the corner of the airport and picked out a sandwich and some iced coffee in a cute bottle. When I got to the register, my card got declined. I didn't have any cash on me as I was going to go to an ATM once I landed and right now I was fucking starving. Suddenly, a man appeared behind me. He was a little taller than me, handsome and had brown hair that complimented his face perfectly. He starled me as he just appeared and spoke up.

"I can pay." He smiled and Pulled out his card.

"Oh.. I can't ask you to do that." I fumbled, not wanting this man to waste his money on me. He chuckled.

"It's okay, I can pay. I'm offering to pay for such a pretty lady." The casheir cringed as I laughed and felt my cheeks heat up a little. He put his card in and it got accepted.

"Thanks so much, you're a life saver." I smiled as I took my food and drink off the counter. He smiled back and told me it was no problem and then, we parted ways. I ate my food and drank my coffee, it was pretty good. Once I was all done, I quickly went to the bathroom and then I went to watch them put all the luggage on the plane. Soon enough, they were calling my flight. I grabbed my backpack and I went to board. I got into my seat and got comfy, luckily I got a window seat. I was watching all the other passengers board the plane and then, guess who was sat right next to me. That handsome guy who paid for my food in the coffee shop. He smiled at me and took his seat.

"Well, it's a small world, huh?" I laughed.

"Guess so." The flight attendant was going over the safety rules but, even though they were important, I couldn't focus on him talking. I was too focused on the man sat next to me. I don't know why, he is not usually my type but he was... specail in some way I guess. We were soon taking off, my mind was taken off the guy as I looked out of the window, the excitment filling me once again. The flight wasn't too long and I was kept busy making small talk with the guy. Once we landed, some random people behind me clapped, I cringed. Then, I got my backpack from the overhead compartment and went to get off. I grabbed my suitcases and headed out of the airport. It was beautiful in LA, the sun was shining and it was warm. I got my phone out of my pocket and called myself an Uber to get to my hotel. The hotel was massive and it was really fancy, I went to check in and get my room key. I paid for a room on the 5th floor, with a balcony veiw. I got in the elavator and headed up to my room. It was so nice, it had a big bed, a TV a bathroom with a bath and a shower, a mini fridge and nice velvet couch. I went to check out the balcony and the veiw was so nice, I could see the sun shining and all the people going about their day. I also got a nice veiw of the beach. I went back into the room and got to work on unpacking my stuff.

The first day of the event (The day after getting to the hotel)

Reader's POV:
The weather was not as warm as it was yesterday, but it was still so nice outside. Today was the social part of the event, the part where all the meet and greets happen and apparently there was some stalls selling things as well as food and stuff. I picked out a nice outfit and got my essiantal stuff into a little bag and got ready to go. I had overslept a little bit and, in fear of being late, I hurried out of the hotel and called an Uber to get me to the venue. It was amazing there, just looking from the enterance. Some of it was inside and some of it was outside. I headed over to the area where you get your entry pass and gave them my name and E-mail and stuff. They gave me a lanyard and then I was allowed to enter. There was so many people here and the event only started an hour ago. I decided to look around a little, there was people selling stuff and people browsing stalls. Most of the stalls were just crappy toys or things you don't need but some of it was cool, there were areas for taking photos and some people crowding the smoking area. I decided I should probably look for an ATM and see if I will be able to get some cash, I'll probably need it.

To be continued...
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Part 2 will be coming out tomorrow!!! Thanks again to KrpcekKrtecek for your request <3 Hope this is good for you so far and if not then let me know. Happy new year everyone btw (If u r even reading this on new year) Anyways Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :3

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