No time for me (Albert x Female reader, Requested!)

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Requested by DoesItReaIIyMatter Tysm for the request!
TW: Smut, Female x Male.
Backstory (Kinda): Albert has been so caught up in videos latley that he has barely had any time for you, his girlfriend. You're a youtuber as well.

Y/n POV:

I was sat in my recording room, I had just finished my video. I layed my head back on my chair, I was starting to relax when Albert screamed really loud. It hurt my ears, but it also got me thinking. I feel like I barely know Albert anymore, he puts all of his time into his videos. I still manage to get time for other stuff, but he never does. I feel like we're so distant now. I decided I should maybe talk to him about it, when he was done recording for the day.

Timeskip to later, when Albert had finished recording...

Y/n POV:

I checked the time on my phone, he should be coming out of his office now. I went and stood outside his door and waited for him to come out.

Alberts POV:

I sighed as I finished my recording and stood up to stretch. I was finally done! I'm devoting all my time to videos now, I barely get any time for anything else. I switched the light off and left my office for the night. Just as I closed the door behind me, I noticed Y/n standing up against the wall. Was she waiting for me? "Hey baby." I greeted, she smiled "Hey." She came over to me and wrapped me in a hug. "I feel like I never see you anymore." She mumbled. I sighed, I was feeling the same way to be fair. "I know, I'm sorry baby, I've been so caught up in videos latley..." She pulled away from the hug with a sad expression. "I'll make it up to you, I swear!" I told her. "When though? Like you said, you've been so caught up in videos latley." I thought for a moment, "I could make it up to you now..." I proposed with a smirk. She looked a me, confused, for a moment before it clicked in her brain what I meant. I watched pink blush spread over her face, "You- You wanna..." I hushed her before she could finish her sentance. "Lets go have some fun baby~" I led her to the bedroom we shared. She sat on the bed and took off her shirt, I stood infront of her and removed mine as well. I watched the blush on her face get redder as she saw my body, I chuckled at her and she made a fake pouty face in return. After I was fully naked and she was just in her underwear, I walked over to the draw to grab a condom. "You ready baby?~" I asked whilst removing her bra, revealing her gourgous breasts. She nodded eagarly. I put the condom and and she removed her panties. She basically pounced on me, I slid myself inside as she moaned with pleasure. She tilted her head back grasping the sheets. " *Moan* Albert~! *Moan*" The way she moaned my name made me wanna cum right then and there. She was clawing at my back, riding me. One last thrust and I could feel my orgasm approaching. I groaned and came. After a few more lazy thrusts she came as well, riding out her high and breathing heavily. I pulled and she flopped backwards, exaughsted. "We should get cleaned up baby." I said. She nodded "I'm gonna go take a shower." She said. "Ok, I'll probably do the same." We both walked to the seperate bathrooms. If thats what it will be like spending more time with her, I think we should spend time together more often.


635 Words

Requested by DoesItReaIIyMatter thanks again for the request!!! Hope this is ok, if not I can redo it :> Anyways Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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