Damn. (Sketch x Fem reader) (Requested)

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Thanks so much im4qqz for the request and sorry it took forever for me to write it. I had a lot of family issues going on and I had limited use of my phone and laptop and stuff. But anyways I'm back now and I can write more!!

Elijah's POV:

I couldn't sleep, I just lay awake in my bed. I sighed loudly and opened my phone, going straight to tiktok. I scrolled through for a couple of minutes and then, my girlfriend's new video popped up on my fyp. She was doing a dance and I'm embarresed to say, it made me desperatly horny. I felt my pants get tighter, for fucks sake. I sighed and rested my head against the headboard of my bed. I thought for a moment, I could give her a call I guess, ask her to come over. I went on to my contacts and dialed her number, it took a couple minutes but then she answered the call. Her sleepy voice spoke through the phone, which only turned me on more. I asked her if she had the time to come over tonight. Told her I wanted to hang out and cuddle her. Luckily for me, she said she would come over. I smiled and thanked her, waiting excitedly after I put down the phone. I stood up and headed downstairs, still in my pyjamas, I didn't feel like getting changed since I hoped I would be taking my clothes soon. ;).

Only about 10 minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. I rushed to open it and my beautiful girlfriend stood on the other side. She was wearing baggy, pj pants and a hoodie and her hair was all wet from the slight rain outside. She smiled brightly and practically leaped on me, wrapping her arms around me tightly. I instantly hugged her back.
"Hey baby!!" She smiled even more.
"Hey." I kissed her on the lips and took her hands to lead her inside. We sat together on the couch with her on my lap. I turned on the TV and opended Netflix, putting a random movie on. She layed her head against my chest and I put a blanket over the top of us. It didn't take long, about 20 minutes into the film, before we both started making out. She was on top of me, kissing me like she was wild, my tongue in her mouth making circles as our saliva combinded. She broke the kiss and smirked at me, I knew what she was hinting at and I began to slowly and suductivly kiss her neck, leaving a trail of hickies. I started moving down to kiss her chest, she pulled away and lifted off her hoodie, leaving her in those baggy pants and her red lace bra. I smirked and started kissing her chest again, moving my hands to her back and unclipping her bra, I detacthed my lips and pulled her bra off, leaving her chest exposed. I started to kiss and suck at her left nipple while I squeezed her other tit. She moaned softly and started to grind her lower half against my crotch, I felt myself slowly get hard. She moaned louder as she felt my hard cock against her.
"Baby~ Fuck~ I need this~" She whined. I moved my hand and mouth away to answer her.
"Why do you think I asked you to come over?~" I chuckled. She stood up and started undressing the rest of herself as I did the same. Once I was naked and sat back on the couch, she walked towards me, sliding her panties off as she did so,
"You want me Lije?~" She asked with a cute pouty face, I nodded with a smirk and she stepped closer to me. I grabbed her waist and sat her on me, she got comfy, then I slid it in. She moaned loudly and her eyes rolled back as my cock slid inside of her.
"Oh, fuck~ Elijah~ give me more!~" I laughed a little and picked up the pace, her going up and down as I held her waist, slamming into her. She only began moaning louder and I went faster. She threw her head back, practically screaming at me that she was going to cum. Couple minutes later, she finished and I quickly pulled out before I did the same. I jerked myself off for a couple seconds until I came with a load groan. We both laughed, out of breath.
"Damn." I started, "That's just what I needed."


766 Words

Thanks again im4qqz for the request and I hope you enjoyed and if it's not good enough I can do it again. I'm sorry you had to wait forever but it's finally out!! Anyways Baiiiiiiiii x

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