Forever be my girl (Kaden x fem reader fluff) REQUESTED!!

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Tysm for the request sade560 sorry it took me 4ever, hope u enjoy <3

Reader's POV:

I was super bored. Nothing interesting was happening in my life right now. I'm back in my lazy era honestly, I'm living off instant noodles and energy drinks and just constantly either streaning or recording. I was lay on the couch scrolling on my phone, when I suddenly got a text. It was from Kaden!! I got a little excited, I like Kaden, like a lot, but I've never told him that. I secretly think he likes me to though. I opened his text and read it.

Over text...

R: reader
K: kaden

K: Hey! Do u wanna com over :3 Im bord
Read at 2:45 pm

R is typing...

R: Yeahhhh!!! Omw <3
Read at 2:46 pm

K is typing...

K: YAYA!!! <3
Delivered at 2:46 pm

End of texts, Kaden's POV:

I'm bored and I'm lonley so I invited y/n (i hate writing y/n, its cringe but whatever) over. Honestly, I'm mainly inviting her over so I can rizz her up. I wanna flirt with her because I like her, I already know she likes me, Dani told me, so this shouldn't be to hard. She said she is on her way and she doesn't live to far from me. I was mentally preparing myself, not really sure what for, I guess I was just convincing myself things would run smoothly. My thoughts were interupted by the doorbell. I smiled and went to answer the door.

"Hey Kaden!" She greets me. "Hey!" I hug her and she comes inside. We go and sit on the couch together. "So..." I awkwardly start. She looks over at me. "I actually wanted you to come over so I could tell you something." She smiled "I hope its not something bad." I laughed and shook my head "No, at least I don't think it will be..." She smiled again "Go ahead, tell me." I smiled back, a little nervous. "So... Dani told me you like me..." She blushed and looked away. "But..." She seemed so nervous now, I giggled. "I like you to." She looked up at me suddenly, she seemed pleasntly surprised. "Oh my god Kaden, really?" I nodded. She hugged me tightly, I hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. We continued with small talk for a while, we ended up cuddling up together on the couch, she seemed sleepy and was just sort of sat in silence with her head on my chest while I went on my phone. "Kaden, can I sleep? Like this I mean." She asked in a cute tired voice. "Of course you can." I told her, kissing the top of her head again. "Sleep well baby." I smiled while stroking her hair. "Does this mean we're together now?" She asked in the same tired voice. I nodded. "Yeah! If you want to be." She smiled "Of course I want to be with you." I smiled back, blushing a little. "Ok then. Love you." I blushed. "Love you too." She slowly fell asleep. I stroked her hair, "You'll forever be my girl."


532 Words

I had a weird dream last night that me and my friend robbed claire's accsesories, I think I'm going insane. Anyway... thanks again sade560 for the request, soz u had 2 wait so long T.T I hope u liked it though, not all requests take this long, I promise :o) Anyways baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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