
22 1 1

By the time I woke up, it was still dark out. There was no sun piercing through the living room curtains and no noise of cars outside.

I was stuck. Stuck staring at the ceiling for who knows how long, and Lilith was still lying down on my stomach asleep.

'Beep' 'beep' 'beep'

My eyes open wide with realization. I know that sound! It was the sound of trucks or snow plows when they backed up.

I wanted to get up immediately and check what it was, but I knew it wouldn't be that easy. I shuffled in my seat, like the first time she laid on me, but it was no help.

"Go to sleep." She mumbled, still half asleep.

"But I think I can hear the snowplows outside." I tried to explain, hoping this would convince her to let me get up.

"You can check it in the morning. Now go to sleep, and stop moving so I can sleep as well." She raised her head to meet my eyes as she said it.

But she quickly avoided eye contact and went back to sleep.

I wasn't going to let her win. Instead of carefully getting up, I jumped off the couch, pushing Lilith off me in the process and ran to the window. The street lights lit up the now plowed road.

"Ugh, what are you smiling about." Lilith asked, getting up to walk over to me.

For a second, she didn't notice the change of the street. When she noticed, it looked as if sadness had crossed her face slightly, but it was immediately replaced with a smile.

"Finally, I can go home." She says, looking at me.

"Were you that eager to leave?" I say laughing a little.

"I've been her for what? 2 days? It would be great if I could go back to my apartment for a pair of new clothes and a shower. " And with that, she walks over to the door and grabs her jacket.

She sits on the floor to tie up her boots, then gets up, approaching the door.

"Um. I guess this is goodbye? I had a fun time while being here." She smiles.

"It was fun playing minecraft with you. Bye, have a good day." I say

"Bye, darling."

"Pet names already?" I joke. And she chuckles at this before shaking her head and leaving.


Around 2 a.m., I started to feel tired.  I went to bed, and now I'm laying here in my bed with my eyes closed, waiting to drift off into la la land. However, it never happens. Minutes go by, but they feel like hours.

"Why can't I fall asleep?" I questioned.

I twisted and turned on my bed, trying to fall asleep, but it was no hope.

"Ugh!" I groan, pushing the covers off me and going out towards the living room.

If I wasn't going to fall asleep, I was going to at least play some games. I would've streamed for a few hours, but I already did earlier during the day. Streaming is very much helpful for me, I get paid and make enough to pay for my rent and groceries and whatever else I need. If I wasn't a paid streamer, I don't think I would've ever been able to run away the night before the marriage.

My parents didn't like how I was staying away from relationships and not settling down. I'm only 23, and I just haven't found anyone to stay with or who interests me and cares to stay with me. So my parents took it into their hands to arrange a marriage for me with some guy from a richer business. Claiming it would be good for their "buisness". They wouldn't listen to my plead and made me meet up with the man. After the meeting, my mom took it in her hands to plan the wedding with the parents of the guy. I think his name was Brandon.

Long story short. The night before the wedding, while he was sleeping in another room because I told him, "You aren't supposed to see the bride the night before the wedding since it's bad luck." I snuck out the window, fell down one story, and into a bush with the rest of my luggage and ran off. I planned this 2 weeks in advance, and due to my parents not knowing about my secret bank account, I was able to use that money for the apartment I'm currently living in. I feel sorry for Brandon. He was kind and sweet. However, I'm not interested in guys, not that my parents know....

I opened up minecraft on my laptop, not feeling like playing much else, and saw the world lilith and I played. Just seeing it made me smile slightly. I was curious about the base she built and clicked on the world to go check it out.

When I entered the world, I ran over to where I saw her building. But I stopped in my tracks when all I saw was a medium-sized house. It was empty, and that confused me deeply.

"How could it take over 2 hours to build this?" I questioned.

She had placed a bed inside the house and 4 chests, but that was mainly it. It was turning night time, and my bed was on the opposite side of the village that we built beside, so I decided to sleep in her bed.

Before I could even click the bed, I noticed a block underneath it missing, and that's when I spotted a button. Hesitantly, I clicked it, and the floor below me opens, leaving me to fall down a long dark tunnel.

Once I stop falling, I'm faced with another tunnel. I ran through it to see what was on the other side, and when approaching the end, I'm left with a redstone puzzle to figure out. I mentally sigh.

*(30 minutes later)*

I finally figure the puzzle out and flip a lever, which opens a huge portion of the wall. What was on the other side of that wall I was not prepared to see. She had an automatic iron farm and wheat/carrot farm. As soon as I stepped in, I hit a trip wire hook that locked the door behind me.

"How do I get out?" I wonder after finishing looking at the automatic farms.

I would break the wall that opened it up, but it would break the redstone, I'm sure.

Game chat: lilithbug45 joined the game

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse. I'm in her secret base, and she joins.

Wait... Lilith joined!?

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I message in the chat.

"Couldn't sleep. What about you, why aren't you asleep?" She messages in the chat.

"I didn't want to sleep and decided to play games." I message.

"I saw you were playing and decided to join. Hope that's alright." She responds a few minutes later.

"Yeah, that fine." I message back before hearing the sounds of pistons.

My heart beat stops, and I turn around.

"I see you've been snooping." She texts and walks in.

"No... I was just... curious as to what you've been building. I didn't know you were amazing at redstone." I text

"It's nothing really, I used to play around with redstone ideas and watch YouTube tutorials."

"You aren't mad I'm down here?" I questioned.

"No, why would I be? It's just a bit of farms, nothing too special." She says, turning her minecraft character to look at me.

"Oh, I don't know. I might try and sleep again. Do you want me to leave the world open for you?" I ask.

"Yeah, if it's not a problem." She responds, and with that, I attempt to fall asleep once more on the couch.

Author's note:

Sorry it's taking a while to post. I've been busy, and I dont have internet for a few days or possibly weeks. this will probably be posted in a week. Currently, it's Feb 8th. Let's see when I'll publish this chapter.

Hope you are all having a good day/afternoon or night.

(Edit) I used the school's internet for this

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