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Iris POV: (main character)

I wake up but keep my eyes close. I really didn't want to wake up yet. As an attempt to get more comfortable I turned over and layed my head on the pillow behind me.

The pillow felt firm. It was harder then I remembered. I push my face into it more to try and get comfortable but I'm greeted with a groan.

"Would you stop pushing on my tits, I'm trying to sleep." A voice called out from above me.

I immediately sat up and starred at the women in my bed with wide eyes. Then I remembered what happened last night.

Her eyes opened slightly, starring back into my wide opened ones.

"Are you planning to kill me? Stop starring at me like that it's been 2 minutes." She said before sitting up.

I looked away as soon as she said to stop starring at her and diverted my attention to the ceiling while laying my head back down on a pillow. This time it was a real pillow.

"I'm gonna leave now. Last night was great, um... what's your name again?" She questioned with a puzzling look on her face.

"Iris." I answered with a bit of annoyance that she didn't remember my name even after what we just did.

"Right! Iris." She said before pushing the covers off her and walking around the room to quickly pick up her clothes.

She wasn't completely naked but I still managed to look away so I didn't make her uncomfortable.

I hear my bedroom door close and then got out from under the covers and got into last night's clothes just so I'd be covered.

As I'm pulling my shirt over my head the door opens.

"AH, KNOCK WOULD YOU?" I say out of fear.

"What difference does it make, nothing I havent already seen. Or I think I've seen, I don't remember anything from last night." She states.

"What do you mean you don't remember anything from last night?" I questioned out of confusion.

"I was drunk? Did I not meet you at that club downtown?" She asked with the look of confusion on her face.

I roll my eyes and walk past her while she trailed behind me. I get to the couch and bend over the couch to grab my phone.

I found tinder quickly and went to our messages.

"Yeah definitely met you at the club. Whatever club that might be." I answered her old question while shoving my phone in her hands.

Her eyes scanned the screen until she was done reading. She cleared her throat then handed the phone back to me.

"I thought you said you were leaving." I said after just standing there in silence for a few seconds.

"I can't... the door wouldn't budge and it's a blizzard out there." She claims.

I really didn't want this to be true.

After countless of times of putting effort into trying to open the door I finally gave up.

I went back up the stairs and plopped myself on the couch.

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