Christmas eve

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Iris POV:

I knocked on Lilith's apartment door, with gifts in hand and my bag, which held extra clothes and more gifts. The door opened, revealing Ivy.

"Iris! Vivian told me you were coming over." She said expectantly.

"Glad to see you too." I laughed as I walked in and took off my boots.

"Lilith is wrapping gifts in her room, like the last minute princess she is." Vivian said, coming around the corner and hugging Ivy from behind.

I eyed them for a minute before speaking up.

"Are you guys dating yet?" I questioned.

Vivian and Ivy looked at their position before putting some distance between each other. Vivian laughed nervously while scratching the back of her head.

"No, we're just friends." She responded while Ivy stood there with a small frown on her face.

"That's too bad, I think you guys would make a cute couple." I commented, smiling.

"Thank you." They responded in union.

I left them alone in the living room and adventured to Lilith's room. Maybe I could get a sneak peak at what she was wrapping. But as I got closer to her door, I realized I couldn't hear any noise from wrapping paper.

My hand gripped the door nob before twisting it and pushing it inwards.

"Lilith?" I questioned, looking over to the bed.

I easily noticed a sleeping figure.

"Lilith." I whispered a couple of times while shaking her slightly.

"What...?" She questioned in her sleepy voice.

"Vivian said you were wrapping presents, and I came to help." I responded.

"She wouldn't let me sleep all morning, I'm exhausted. Have you seen the lights, decorations and the tree? She's insane! Insane I tell you!" She complained.

"Aw, it's okay, get some rest. I don't want to disturb you." I said, standing up from the bed.

As fast as I stood up, I was sitting again.

"Stay." She responded by wrapping her arms around my waist to prevent my leaving.

"You want me to stay, hm?" I asked and grabbed a strain of hair that was dangling in front of her face, placing it behind her ear.

"Cuddles?" She asked with a puppy face, her eyes just barely being open.

"Okay, just for a bit, but then we have to get up, or Vivian might get suspicious." I responded while laying down on my back.

She happily agreed and moved to lay on top of me. I planted a kiss on her head, then ran my hand through her hair, fondling it, and letting it slide between my fingers.

After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. I didn't want to move, worried I'd wake her. But not opening the door didn't stop Vivian from walking in.

"She's sleeping, Vivian." I whispered.

"Come on, we were gonna start the gingerbread houses." Vivian slightly whined.

"You woke me up at 7 am." Lilith mumbled.

"The apartment would not have been done on time for Christmas tomorrow if I didn't." Vivian responded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Ivy could've helped you." Lilith answered back.

"That's true..." Vivian responded.

"Okay, I'm sorry for waking you up early. It will happen again." Vivian apologized.

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