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I woke up feeling like shit. I know why as well. Decided to go to the bathroom to confirm it, and I was right.

"Why does God hate women." I mumble under my breath.

Of course, I had no pads or tampons, so I had to use toilet paper as something to absorb it for now as I took a walk to the nearby store. I was quick, in and out within a few minutes with the pads and a few chocolate bars. The best thing about my mom was when she told me how chocolate bars have a certain ingredient in them that makes the cramps less painful.


I laid on the couch for the majority of the day. I was in a pair of dark grey sweat pants, a t-shirt, and an oversized sweater. I plugged in my laptop and just watched Netflix on there.

'Ding' My phone goes off.

I ignore the notification and continue to watch the last 2 episodes of Wednesday. Minutes later, another one goes off, but I still don't answer. I was finally in a comfortable laying down position, that made the cramps feel less worse, and I wasn't about to move from it just to look at a notification that's probably from a game.

A third time my phone goes off, and I just give up. I tried to reach for it without leaving the position I'm in, which was successful. I see the time is 6:30 pm and that I have a notification from Tinder.

I unlocked my phone and slid into my dms, where I saw a message from Lilith.


"Was wondering if you wanted to play minecraft for a bit. Before I head out."

"Last night, while I was playing, I got disconnected."

Oh, it's Lilith. I quickly respond, saying I can't because I'm not feeling the best and then turn off my phone and place it on the couch.


"Alright, no worries, maybe another time?" She questioned

"For sure." I reply.

"Hey, quick question. Do you consider me a friend now or... just I don't know." I ask, genuinely curious.

"I hope the friends part comes with benefits ;)" She responded rather quickly.

"I'm just kidding. Yes, we can be friends." She double texts.

I let out a laugh and responded quickly with an "Okay," not playing along with her flirting game. I place my phone back down and continue to focus on the last episode. The episode before made my eyes widen at the end and just pushed me to finish watching the 8th episode.

After watching Wednesday and becoming annoyed that I've already finished it, I put on a movie called "Night School." I find it to be pretty hilarious, and it's one of the main reasons why I've watched it before.

Around 9 pm, the movie finishes, and I already feel tired. I wasn't going to risk sleeping on the couch because it could give me neck and lower back pain. I went to the bathroom, then headed back to bed.

*zzzzzzzzz later*

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"What the hell. Why is there knocking on my door?" I questioned, trying to find enough energy to get out of bed.

I look through the peep hole seeing Lilith standing there. My facial expression lightens, and I open the door.

"Hi? What's up?" I say with a sleepy voice.

She was eyeing my entire body.

"Earth to Lilith?" I say, waving my hand in front of her face.

"Hm? Oh yeah. Hi." She answers, almost stumbling over her words.

"You want to come in?" I ask.

"No, definitely not. I'll just stay out here with my hallway buddy." She answers sarcastically.

"Come on in." I chuckle.

I looked at my phone for the time and realized how late it was.

"Lilith... don't you usually go to bed early?" I asked a bit concerned.

"Oh yeah, well, I couldn't sleep, and i figured you were probably awake, and so I came over to see if you wanted to hang out." She answers, turning towards me.

She stares at me intentively before beginning to speak again.

"Did I wake you...?" She asks.

"Yeah, but it's okay." I say before feeling sharp pains.

"Ow shit!" I whisper yell. My posture is no longer straight.

"Period?" I hear Lilith ask me.

"Mmmhm," I respond, not being able to find the words.

We both sat on the couch and decided to chill and chat. I got to know a few things about her. I found out she's a barista at some coffee shop, and she plays the guitar or used to.

Lilith yawns, indicating she's getting tired.

"You seem to be tired now. You should try and sleep." I say, looking at her in her droopy eyes.

"Yeah , I guess I should. Is it okay if I sleep here?"

"Of course it's okay. Just let me know if you need anything." I respond

She replied with a quick okay before laying down on the couch. I close the lights and walk towards my bedroom.

I quickly got under the covers, and I felt exhaustion run over me. I lay there with my eyes closed and my back facing the door. Just as my eyelids were letting the tiredness take over, I felt a dip in my mattress. I turn over to see why the mattress moved slightly and catch Lilith's eyes.

I lay on my back and turn my head to face the ceiling. She uses this as an invitation to lay her head on my chest and wrap her arms around me while still laying to the left of me.

"Best pillows in the world." She grins, looking up to me and then lying back down.

"Human pillow. That's what I am." I laugh, shaking my head.

I turned over, so I was facing her and rested my chin on her head with my arms wrapped around her body like a bear hug.

"Goodnight, Lilith."

"Goodnight, my darling, Iris."

" 'My' ?" I question her.

"Shh, just sleep and enjoy this." She whispers.

I let out a small laugh.

"Maybe this will help her fall asleep." I thought to myself.

She did end up falling asleep, as did I. Maybe that's the problem I've been having with sleeping...

Author's note:

How is everyone? Hope you are having a good day/afternoon and / or night.

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