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Iris POV:

I had a wonderful idea for something I want to do when I get my car. However, first, I had someone I wanted to invite along.

My finger hovered over the send button before finally clicking it.

"Hi, I was wondering if you would want to go on a date... with me."

I sat there fidgeting with my fingers, waiting for a response.

"Maybe it was a bad idea. I did agree to be friends with her." I thought to myself.


"I would love to ;)" She responded... she wants to go on a date! With me!

"Really!? Great, are you free on Wednesday?" I texted back asking.

"Yeah, I don't have work till Saturday after tonight, thankfully." She responded

"Wonderful, alright. I'll pick you up at 2 pm on Wednesday at your apartment. Wear a jacket, mitts and a hat." I told her.

"Oh, and what shoe size are you?" I quickly asked

"Size 10?" She responded

"Thank you." I texted back, getting more excited.

"You're welcome. See you in 2 days :)" She answered.

After Lilith agreed to go on a date with me, I got everything ready.

My plan was simple. However first I need to confirm the purchase of a car so that it will be easier and faster to get to places. After that's settled, I would have to get everything ready.

Speaking of dealership, I need to get ready and properly dressed to go and sign the papers. I got dressed in a pair of black dress pants and a white button-up dress shirt. I managed to find time to go look for a car after checking out the apartment. Now, it was just the matter of paying them. I decided to pay full cash as it would be easier. I'm really happy with how well I'm doing on my own, if my mom found out where I was and came to surprise visit me, I'm sure she would be surprised that I'm not struggling.

I'm succeeding and doing what I told her I'd be doing. When I first told her about my ideas of being a Twitch streamer, she was less than excited about this. She wanted me to be a stay at home mom who doesn't work. I mentally rolled my eyes. Thankfully, my dad and ex-soon to be husband were supportive of me wanting to be a Twitch streamer and not a stay at home mom who brings in no financial income. Little did they know that I was already doing very well, financially.

After getting dressed, I grabbed my keys and then headed out the door. The Uber was waiting for me outside. I opened the door to the backseat and got in. When reaching for my seat belt, I peaked into the coffee shop. Lilith was standing behind the counter, looking at her phone with a huge smile on her face. It was far from invisible.

The car began to take off as I watched out the window.


After signing the papers and paying, I was told that I could have the vehicle today. I was really excited. The truck had cost a lot of money, but it will be worth it in the future.

The car salesman, Shane, handed me the keys, and I left the dealership with a smile of satisfaction. I clicked the button on the keys to unlock my new Ford f-150 2023 model truck. It was a bit tall, but I've liked trucks for a long time and always imagined myself getting one.

Now that the truck was settled, I began shopping. The first store I went to was Canadian Tire.

I needed to go there for some skates. I had a fun idea to go and skate with Lilith at Nathan Phillips Square to start off the date.

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