Harmless Hookup

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The ringing of my phone scared me awake. I grabbed it off the coffee table and turned off my alarm.

I laid down again and starred at the ceiling while I waited for my eyes to adjust. 

Around 5 minutes later I got up and headed to the bathroom with a pair of clothes. It didn't take long for me to shower and get dressed. It was 9 AM and I really wanted to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee.

I collected my keys and wallet then headed out the door while locking it behind me. 

It took two steps just to enter the coffee shop that was below my apartment, but the snow was piled up near my door so it took 5. I'm glad I was wearing boots. 

I walked up to the counter and ordered the same as the last time. It was made quicker then usual. The barista said "Careful it's hot." before placing it on the counter. I grabbed it with a napkin and went to sit at the closest table.

I bet that worker that helped with the burn told her about me grabbing the cup before letting them remind me it's hot.

I took sips of the coffee while scrolling through Instagram reels. Half way done my coffee, I start to remember last night.

"What was I thinking?" I say to myself, mentally face palming.

I open the app and see that I've been matched with someone.

I open the messages and see the girl who I accidentally swiped right on texted me.

"Hello, my name is Lilith." I read.

Should I reply? I didn't know how to properly reply and tell her I didn't mean to swipe right.

"Hi, my name is Iris nice too meet you." I replied, so she didn't feel like I was ignoring her.

I starred down at my phone waiting for a response but it never came. Maybe I won't have to tell her that I accidentally swiped right.

I got up and threw out my cup of coffee. Stashing my phone in my coat pocket I begin my walk to the store. 


I scanned each item at self checkout one by one. First some ramen, then the bacon, eggs, sausages, hot-dogs, hot-dog buns, ketchup and a few plastic utensils and paper plates.

It fit tightly into two bags and I balanced the weight while walking home. 

I spaced out and was only brought back to reality when I was being yelled at. 

"HURRY UP, I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY WOMAN!" A taxi driver yelled from their window while I was crossing the crosswalk. 

Instead of moving faster I took tiny steps to really piss them off. They could've waited a few seconds, it doesn't take long for me to cross.

"I'M SORRY PLEASE HURRY, I HAVE SOMEWHERE TO GO, PLEASE!" They shouted from the opened window.

The expression on their face showed they were being genuine so I did a small jog to hurry up.

"THANK YOU!" They screamed while speeding off down the road.

Toronto is very different from my hometown. Here it's constantly noisy and loud. The cars honked their horn at least 60 times a day. In my hometown everyone was quiet, to their self, and there was little to no honking of the horn.

When I reached my apartment I set my bags down on the pavement while going through my pockets to grab my keys. 

Before I managed to get it in the keyhole someone walked out of the coffee shop and tripped over my groceries. 

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