Winter Night

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Lilith's POV:

That date with Iris a week ago is still something I haven't forgotten. I expected her to do what everyone else does and just go to a restaurant, then call it a night. Instead, we skated for hours, never getting bored. And ate food before spending the night in this amazing fort she had built for us. It may seem like the most simple date, but to me, it was a date I'd be willing to accept again.

I was sad to say goodbye after breakfast in the morning. I'm sure she was sad to hear it as well, but nonetheless, we said our goodbyes.

Vivian wanted to go Christmas tree shopping with me for the apartment, and I would've said no, but she's persistent. So, for the afternoon, I spent it walking around with Vivian looking for the "perfect tree."

"THIS ONE!" I heard her yell from 20 feet away.

"Okay!" I answered, laughing as she was jumping up and down like an excited kid.

We got the tree and strapped it down to the roof of our car before heading back to the apartment.

When we arrived, Vivian looked at me knowingly, and I shook my head before carrying the box the tree came in on my own. She thankfully held the doors open, as well as the elevator ones.

For a few hours, we spent it decorating the tree while talking back and forth.

"How are you and Ms. 'Just friends' doing?" She asked me.

"Iris and I have gone on a date..." I say, getting ready for the screeching noise she makes when she's excited.

"Eeeeeee!!!" She let out the earbreaking sound.

"OH MY GOD! YOU GUYS ARE DATING!?" She screamed excitedly.

"Not dating... we haven't put a label on it yet." I said, trying to ignore her reaction.

"It was only one date." I mentioned.

"When did you guys go on your little date?" She said, smirking.

"Oh, stop it, it was an innocent date. It was also last week." I said just above a whisper for the last part.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? ASK HER ON A DATE." Vivian started getting hyper again.

"I'm not sure how... what if she's busy?" I questioned.

"Then you'll reschedule. Now go, go." She said, pushing me towards the dinner table where my phone laid.

I had already been thinking about ideas for a second date. Nothing too fancy, mainly just a comfortable, cozy date considering it's winter.

I typed on my phone, beginning a message before deleting it and starting over. This continued for a few minutes as Vivian starred me down.

"And to think you were never this shy and useless before." She said before snatching my phone out of my hands and running to the bathroom with it.

"Hey, give me my phone!" I shouted.

I heard a small click come from the door nob. I immediately reached for it, but to no avail would it open.

"Vivi! Please give it back." I said, hoping she'd open the door.

"Fine, fine here. I'm not going to send a text of asking her out without your permission. I could never do that." She answered, handing me my phone back before walking away.

I'm glad to know Vivian wouldn't do that.

Once I reached my room, I laid flat on my bed, contemplating whether to ask her out or to wait. The thoughts bounced around in my head for some time until hearing a chime come from my phone indication a notification.

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