Swipe right

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I woke up today groaning as I try to sit up in bed. I was feeling sharp pains in my stomach. 

"shit!" I said out loud running to the bathroom.


30 minutes later I walk out of the washroom feeling a lot better. I thought I was having my period, but I'm so happy I'm not, because I didn't pack any pads into my suitcase or bag.

I walk over to the kitchen, grab some fruit and prepare a fruit salad. 

It was snowing outside so I decided to stay indoors for the day in case the weather got worse. 

Bringing my fruit bowl to the coffee table I set it down and take a seat on the couch. It was the Christmas month after all so i decided to watch "How the Grinch stole Christmas" since it is tradition for me to re-watch at the least once a year. 

I went over to the bedroom to grab my phone and used it to screen share the movie on the TV.

*1 hour and 45 minutes later*

The movie ended and I picked up my dishes then brought them to the sink. I washed them along with the rest of yesterdays dishes then went back to sit at the couch.

I typically don't stream on Fridays but today I was bored and had nothing else to do. I plugged in my laptop and set up my stream. Quickly loading up a game in the background as I started the stream giving all my followers a notification that I was live.

"Hey guys! I know I don't normally stream on Fridays but today I made an exception because of the snowfall." I said in my mic.

My viewers were really happy they didn't have to wait another day for my streams. I'm lucky I got supportive viewers and have this as my professional job. 

For this stream I asked the viewers what they requested for me to play. And the voting was in favor of......

Minecraft: Sky-Wars!

"Alright! the voting was in favors of, Minecraft, Sky-Wars!" I said with excitement in my voice.

I spent the next couple of hours winning and losing games. The time definitely went by quickly, however I guess that's what happens when you get hooked into a game or something you're fond of. 

My stream was just hitting the 7 hour mark and that's when I knew I should end the stream. The sun had already set beyond the horizon and it was 6 PM so it was time for me to make supper since I skipped lunch.

"Thank you guys for sticking around and watching today's stream, I hope in 2 days I'll be able to go live once again, as long as the storm doesn't get worse. Have a fantastic night, day or afternoon and I'll see you guys next time. Bye."

I got up from the sofa, and stretched a bit. When I began to take a few steps forward to head to the kitchen, my vision blacked out and I fell backwards, landing on the floor. 

I knew I got up too fast and that's why the room went dark and I lost balance. I got off the floor slowly this time and went over towards the kitchen. 

I realized how much food I shopped for the other day and realized it wasn't enough. I settled on just ordering food to be delivered.

I checked google maps searching for the closest domino's pizza and was glad to see one within 29 minutes away. 

"This is Domino's Pizza, what would you like?"

"Hi are you able to place a delivery to 728 Queen Street?" I asked before place my order.

"Yes we can, and what would you like?" They asked

"Just a small pepperoni and bacon pizza, please and thank you" I say 

"And what's the number for this order?" The domino's worker questions

"It's ***-***-****." I say giving them my number.

"Okay that will be 15 minutes to make and 30 minute drive, your pizza should be there in 45 to 50 minutes total. Your total will come up to 7 dollars." The person on the other side of the call states.

"Perfect! Thank you again. Have a good-night." I say before hanging up the call.


I step outside of my apartment and stand there waiting for the delivery guy since it had been 40 minutes.

5 minutes went by and a car parks on the side of the street quickly stepping out with a pizza box. 

"Total is 7$." He says clearly shivering from the cold.

"Okay here you go." I said handing him a ten dollar bill and a toonie. 

"Um, miss it was only 7$." He awkwardly said.

"Keep the change." I smiled at him and walked back into my apartment. 

The pizza smelled delicious and I just wanted to eat it already. Like every other food I've eaten I set the box down on the coffee table and opened it up while taking a seat on the floor instead of the couch. I was afraid I'd dirty the couch if i dropped any of it.

When I opened the box I could see the steam rise from the hot melted cheese that was evenly spread out over the tomato sauce. The pepperonis and bacon made the pizza smell even better.

I went over to the fridge and took out a drink that I bought from the store yesterday.

The pizza's scent filled my apartment. It only made me more eager to eat that pizza.


I spent the whole night watching movies and making clips of my kills while finishing that whole pizza.

When I saw that it was one in the morning I decided I would crash on the couch that night. Before heading to bed I was going to play a game on my phone but then I saw the app I downloaded before going to bed yesterday. I can't believe I was that tired I forgot about it.

At first I was going to delete it but then I clicked on it out of curiosity. 

I set up my account, putting my name down as "Iris."

It said to make a bio and that's exactly what I did. 

"I'm 23 years old, my name is Iris, I live in Toronto Canada and I'm 5 ft 9 in." I put as my bio.

For a good 10 minutes I was swiping left. None of these people seem to actually interest me, especially the guys.

I was beginning to fall asleep and my eyes were starting to shut while I still continued to swiped left.

But for one I swiped right and less then 5 seconds later I immediately knew what I had done.

My eyes opened wide awake and I started to look for the account I swiped right on.

I found it within seconds. How was I suppose to tell this girl I accidentally swiped right on her and didn't mean too.

They were good looking.

However I didn't mean to swipe right, I was falling asleep.

I really didn't want to deal with this at currently at 1:36 in the morning.

I decided to just put my phone away and try to fall asleep. I layed on the couch with my eyes closed while the thoughts of what just happened ran through my mind.

"How am I suppose to tell them, I didn't mean to swipe right on them and that it was an accident?" I questioned

"What if I make them feel bad by saying that?" I question more and more

I was not the best with confrontation and this definitely created a new fear. That was my last thought before I fell asleep.

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