Chapter 16

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I wake up in a hospital bed, where am I, I was just in the phone with Ichigo.

A doctor comes in, along with Ichigo's parents.

They were always like second parents to me.

"Hey y/n, how are you?" Her mom asks, both parents giving me a hug.

"I'm alright, my head kind of hurts, where's Ichigo?"

They look at each other before explaining the meteor, I sit there in silence, some tears falling.

It's like I felt this feeling for her before but I don't know how, because there were few tears left.

"Can I have some time to myself? Sorry, it's a lot."

"Of course, just try getting better, you know you have us to lean back on for a while if you need it." Mom says walking out. I usually just refer to them as my parents.

I look out the window, tired, exhausted like I ran a marathon. I was missing something, my heart hurt, I couldn't figure out why.

What was a few minutes for them, felt like weeks to me.

All of this deja vu is driving me crazy, I have to do something.


A few days have past, and it feels like I have needed to be somewhere, maybe Ichigo and I had planned something and I forgot.

But I guess it's whatever, I have a few things I need to catch up on for school so that's what I do when the doctors leave me alone.

The treatment has been going well I met a girl named Kuina, she seems friendly. We don't really talk much but at the beginning we woke up in the same room.

Kuina was reunited with her parents, I got to see that happen, no I am not a creep, I just wanted to be there for her.

Sometimes when I walked throughout the hospital I could feel eyes on me, not like someone who was stalking me. But like a familiar gaze, I never saw who it was though.

Really short chapter, but this is the end, terrible but maybe if they come out with another season I will add to it.
Sorry for not giving you the ending you probably wanted.
Hope you enjoyed.

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