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It had been almost a month since Lucille had began tutoring Maude Sinclair.

On Tuesdays, I made sure to go to Jack's house so I wouldn't have to interact with Maude. I didn't want to bother being nice to someone who would let their friends laugh at me.

Despite the fact that I hated Maude, Lucille absolutely adored her for some reason. I constantly had to hear about how funny and pretty and nice Maude was.

Maude was friends with all the people who bullied people like me and Jack. How could she possibly be nice?!

Maude could fool Lucille, but she couldn't fool me.

Jack and I stood by his locker at the end of the school day and preparing to leave. I was anxious to get home and study for a test I had.

As Jack shoved textbooks into his bag, I casually glanced to my right where I saw Maude standing with a group of her friends.

She stood out like a sore thumb because she was prettier than all of them. Her facial features were so harmonious and there was just something about her...

I grimaced.

I shouldn't be thinking about her. She's not pretty.

Suddenly, Maude looked up and noticed me staring.


I abruptly looked away from her and fumbled with a random lock to soothe my embarrassment.

"What're you doing?" Jack asked.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

Jack shrugged and took out his phone.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Maude break off from her group and start walking in our direction. I expected her to simply walk past us, but her eyes were trained on our spot in the hall.

I averted eye contact with her as she stood in front of us.

"Hey Jack, hey Felix," she said but I ignored her.

"Oh, Maude, look at this meme," Jack exclaimed and he excitedly showed her his phone.

Maude giggled at the pictures Jack showed her.

What the hell was going on?

My eyebrows furrowed as I watched the two of them laugh together. Since when had they been friends?

I looked down at the both of them in pure confusion.

"What're you doing here?" I asked Maude bluntly.

"Talking to Jack," she retorted.

"Why? Aren't you worried your friends might catch you talking to us."

"Felix," Jack scolded.

Maude glared at me, "I'm just trying to be nice."

I pursed my lips.

"I'll just talk to you tomorrow, Maude," Jack said to calm us down.

Maude briefly glanced at me before walking away.

Jack turned to me with his green eyes basically bulging out of his eye sockets, "what the hell is wrong with you?!"

"What's wrong with you?! Why would you ever be friends with her?" I asked.

"Last week our English seating got changed and we became friends," he reasoned.

"Friends?" I said with an exasperated tone, "she's part of that whole terrible group!"

"I know, I know," Jack said, "but she's actually nice and she helped me with my assignment last night."

"What do you mean she helped you with your assignment?"

Jack turned away from me. I knew whatever he was going to say next would be awful.

"I went to her house and we hung out. Don't freak out Felix," he said quickly.

I was freaking out. He hung out with her behind my back! Traitor!

"I thought you had a crush on Eve?!" I exclaimed.

"I do! Maude is just my new friend, you could use some of those Felix."

I rolled my eyes. Jack was the only friend I needed. Everyone else annoyed me.

"She's friends with people like Logan," I argued.

"She's not like them Felix."

"Guilt by association."

Jack rolled his eyes and turned back to his locker.

There was no point in me continuing to argue, I could tell that Jack respected her and there was no changing his mind.

Jack was too good natured to properly hold a grudge, but I could hold one. There was no way I'd become friends with her.

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