➳ 23

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Jack, Maude, and I walked around a cozy gift shop as we looked for souvenirs.

Our road trip was almost over yet I didn't want it to end.

Jack and Maude were in the back of the shop looking at nicnacs together. I wandered to the front of the shop and found myself looking at their jewelry collection.

One of the necklaces caught my eye.

It was a gorgeous antique necklace with a heart shaped locket. The locket was small and gold with flowers engraved onto it. The pretty floral pattern reminded me of Maude.

I picked up the necklace and closely examined it.

I wasn't sure if I would ever have the confidence to give it to Maude, but I knew it would've been perfect for her.

While Jack and Maude were distracted, I went to the cashier and bought the necklace.

The cashier was an older lady with completely white hair. She smiled at me as she carefully packed the necklace into a decorative little box.

"Is this for you?" She asked.

"It's for my friend," I replied.

The Lady added a ribbon to the box.

"Your friend is lucky," the lady said as I paid for the gift.

I discreetly hid the box in my backpack and joined my friends at the back of the store.

Jack parked outside of Maude's house to drop her off.

Our weekend road trip had passed by too quickly. It was the most fun I had had all year.

Maude lived in a small yellow colonial house. Her entire neighbourhood was cute and picturesque. The houses were all painted in pastel colours and the sidewalks were covered in wet green leaves from the blossoming trees.

I got out of the car to help Maude bring her bags to the door.

As we reached her door, I tried to think of something witty to say but I was blanking.

"Do you have any other plans for the break?" Maude asked me.

"Yeah, I'm spending the rest of the week in New York."

Maude pouted.

"Do you want me to get you a souvenir?" I asked.

"Maybe something cool and small," Maude said.

"That's so vague - that could describe anything. I could bring you back a subway rat."

Maude giggled.

"A rat doesn't sound so bad. Ratatouille?" Maude jested.

I looked in her in the eyes and lost my words. She was so pretty that looking at her was distracting.

I could feel the necklace I had bought her in my pocket. Would she think it was weird that I had bought it for her?

In her driveway, I could see Jack watching us talk from the car. I knew it would be embarrassing to have him witness me give her a gift.

Maude awkwardly swung her bag after a few seconds of my silence. That was my que to talk.

"I'll try not to forget about you when I'm having fun in New York." I joked.

Maude joyfully chuckled.

"I hope you get lost on the subway," she retorted.

"I'll definitely come back from NYC all modern and cool."

I placed the bag of hers that I was holding in her hand and prepared to walk away.

"I'll see you at school," I said and I walked towards the car.

As I sat in the passenger's seat, Jack simply smiled at me. His smile was knowing and mischievous.

"Are you going to drive today or...?" I asked.

Jack smiled to himself and got the car started.

Did Jack know I liked Maude?

I guess I had never considered the fact that Jack might've known since he never mentioned it and he wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed when it came to romance.

It was hard to tell if Jack knew about my crush, but he definitely knew something.

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