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March break was rapidly approaching and I was thrilled about the places I planned on visiting.

We only had 1 day left of school before our break started and I absolutely couldn't wait for it.

Jack sat on my desk chair rapidly typing on his phone while I packed my bags.

"Toothbrush, underwear, clothes, socks. Am I missing anything?" I asked Jack.

"Yes," Jack replied absentmindedly.

I rolled my eyes. What was he even doing on his phone?

I continued to neatly pack my bag for the road trip and ensure I had everything I needed. My luggage for New York was already packed. Lucille insisted that I did it in advance to make sure I was prepared.

I looked up again and saw that Jack was still smiling at his phone. He rapidly smacked his fingers against his phone screen.

Okay, that's enough.

I stood behind him to look at who he was messaging. Jack was so absorbed in his phone that he didn't even notice I was there.

Jack was texting Maude.

"What the hell?" I asked.

Jack jumped and clutched his phone to his chest but it was too late. I had already seen enough.

"Felix!" Jack exclaimed.

"Why are you texting Maude?! I thought you weren't friends with her anymore?"

"We made up last week."

I frowned. Maude spoke to Jack but not me?

"Why didn't you tell me?" I inquired.

"It never came up..."

I rolled my eyes in frustration.

"Whatever, Jack. You know she's a fake friend, I don't know why you even bother." I muttered.

"She's a real friend, Felix. She stood up for us in front of her friends, and she's lonely. She's just like you and me."

Maude was just like me and Jack? I gagged at the thought. That wasn't true at all.

"I'm going to say something, and you're going to get mad, but you have to hear me out," Jack said.


"I invited Maude to go on the road trip with us. Her parents gave her permission. She's coming with us."

My jaw dropped.

"Jack, is your head empty?!" I cried.

"I forgave her. You need to forgive her too. The milk was poured on me, Michaelson makes fun of me, and I forgive Maude," Jack said honestly.

I sat on my bed.

"I don't want her to go. I thought it would just be us. It's always just been us," I responded.

"It would mean a lot to me if the both of you came. Please."

I shrugged. There was no point in fighting Jack, he had made his mind up on Maude and there was nothing I could do to convince him she was a bad person.

This road trip just became a lot more interesting.

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