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Maude's POV

I could feel my heart thumping in my chest as I spoke to Felix for the first time since the road trip.

He leaned against the locker beside mine. His black hair was far neater than it usually was, yet there was still a strand of hair out of place.

He tilted his head as he smiled at me. His pale hands were placed inside the pockets of his black jeans.

"How was New York?" I casually inquired.

I was trying to conceal the fact that I was completely obsessed with him.

"It was great," Felix revealed, "I loved it. And I did actually get lost on the subway."

"Did you get me a rat?"

"I tried but it slipped out of my hands." Felix said.

"Excuses, excuses..."

Felix chuckled.

"Hold still," I instructed, "one strand of your hairs is poking out."

I adjusted the hair of his that was out of place. As I lightly pushed his hair back, I could feel his dark eyes watching me.

"I didn't know you were a perfectionist," Felix commented.

"I'm not!"

Felix's facial expression shifted from joy to anguish as he watched something behind me.

I turned around and saw Logan was directly behind us.

Logan grinned at me and Felix. I could tell the grin was simply a veneer for the anger he was feeling by the way his ice blue eyes were opened unnaturally wide.

Logan's smile was insincere and almost menacing.

"Are you two dating now?" Logan asked us.

"No," I replied.

"You could do better, Maude," Logan spat.

"Shut up, Logan," Felix muttered.

Logan stepped up and stood extremely close to Felix to intimidate him.

"What'd you say Felix?" Logan asked as he invaded Felix's personal space.

Felix tried to back away but the locker behind him blocked him.

This was the side of Logan I hated. He was egotistical and violent.

Logan only picked on Felix because he knew Felix wouldn't fight back.

"Go away, Logan," I said.

"No. I want to hear what he said," Logan announced even louder in Felix's ear.

Felix's lips were tightly pursed in anger. I could feel how pissed Felix was.

I tried to grab Logan's arm but Logan shoved me.

"Don't touch her," Felix stated as he shoved Logan.

Logan shoved Felix back harder, and before I could react Felix punched Logan square in the face.

The two of them quickly landed on the ground and rolled around as they fought for dominance.

Felix was much scrawnier than Logan, but he successfully flew a couple of punches at Logan.

"Fight! Fight!" A voice announced.

I turned to see a crowd already forming around the two volatile boys.

"Someone get a teacher!" I exclaimed but no one listened to me. The surrounding students just wanted a show.

Eventually, Felix's luck ran out and Logan gained the upper hand. Logan bulky body sat on Felix and beat the ever living crap out of him.

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