➳ 15

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Jack and I ate lunch on the bleachers.

It was a cold March day so we had to bundle up in sweaters, jackets, and scarves. I felt uncomfortable eating with my jacket on, but it was better than eating in the cafeteria.

Since the milk incident last week, Jack and I had been throughly avoiding the cafeteria or any large public space where Michaelson and Logan would be.

March break was next week, so it wouldn't be long before we could get a real break from the assholes at Lower Fields.

"Did Lucille give you permission to go on the road trip?" Jack asked.

Our March break plans were to go on a road trip to a town about 3 hours south of us to go hiking. The town had a beautiful national park that we were both eager to visit.

Our road trip would only be a weekend long, then afterwards Lucille made plans for us to fly to New York City for a few days. That's what I was really excited for.

"She gave me permission and she gave me a map with good road trip routes on it," I replied.

"I'm so excited! I've never driven that far before."

"I just need a break from school. I feel so burnt out."

Jack nodded in agreement.

Neither of us spoke about the elephant in the room: Maude.

Jack knew about the argument I had with her, and he took my side. We both thought she was a snake in the grass. I knew Jack was particularly hurt by Maude's actions. Apparently, they hadn't spoken to each other since.

I hadn't spoken to her either. I returned to spending Tuesday's at Jack's house and pretending like I had never met her.

It was strange knowing that we had let someone into our circle only for them to disappoint us so severely.

That's life I guess.

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