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On Thursday, I sat alone as I waited for my chemistry class to start.

I watched as my classmates poured in from other classes and took their seats.

When Maude entered the room I felt a weird jolt of a bizarre feeling. It wasn't excitement per se, but it made me sit up straighter in my seat. She looked really good in her light blue jeans and white t-shirt...

I had never noticed that she was in this class, but after last Tuesday I started to notice her everywhere.

My mind kept replaying her being in my room. She was so much nicer than I thought she would be and now I didn't know how to feel about her...

As Maude walked by me, she gave me a sincere smile and waved.

I was surprised. She had never acknowledged me at school before.

I felt my cheeks get warm.

I waved back at her slowly. I didn't want my covert excitement to show. After I waved, I heard the sound of giggling behind me.

It was her friends.

I immediately felt disheartened and embarrassed. I couldn't go one day without forgetting that at high school I was nothing.

When Maude noticed their laughter, she avoided eye contact with me and acted like I didn't exist. I wished she had defended me, or told them to stop laughing, but that was too much to expect from her. I knew she was a mean girl at heart.

I looked down at my hands in shame. I wanted to tune out the sound of those girls and act like I wasn't embarrassed.

"Eww why were you waving at him?" I overheard one of them say through their giggles but Maude didn't respond.

I regretted giving her my CD.

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