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I tediously twisted the lock to my locker around as I prepared to open it.

It had been a boring day and I just wanted to go home...

"Need some help with that?" A deep menacing voice asked before I was forcefully pushed into a locker.

My face met the cold, hard, surface of my locker with a bang.

I slowly tore my eyes away from my locker and towards the perpetrator. Logan Smith. The bane of my existence.

Logan and his dopey friends filled the hallways with laughter as they obnoxiously walked away. Logan momentarily turned his blond head to look at me. His icy blue eyes met my brown ones.

He briefly smirked at me as if to say 'what're you gonna do about it?'.

My blood boiled because I knew there was nothing I could do about it. I was defenceless. Logan swiftly turned back around and continued walking with his group.

I already knew that any attempt I could make to defend myself would only backfire. My best option was to stand by my locker and take the hit. I hated how powerless I was.

I felt so frustrated that I didn't even want to open my locker anymore.

Jack Walker, my best friend, walked me to my apartment.

Winter was ending and it had left my neighbourhood looking pale and dry. The only remaining trace of winter was the brown mush from the melted snow.

Jack excitedly spoke about his plan to create the cat olympics. He had a lot of strange ideas like that.

After a few minutes of walking, we finally reached my building then parted ways. I took the elevator up to my unit and sighed as I opened my door. Home sweet home.

From the dining room, I could hear the raspy voice of my older sister explaining a trigonometry problem. I had known she was a math tutor, but I didn't know she tutored on Tuesdays...

"Felix, you home?" Lucille loudly called out.

"Yeah, I'm right here." I said.

I casually peaked my head into the dining room to see who she was with. I expected to see one of the middle school students whom she usually helped, but the person who was actually there was much worse.

When I saw who was sitting with Lucille, I had to clench my jaw to keep it from dropping.

No. Absolutely not.

I tried to keep a poker face even though Maude Sinclair, of all people, was in my house. Talking to my sister!

Maude Sinclair was one of the most popular girls in my grade and she was evil. Whenever I saw her at school, she was always sitting with Logan at lunch or mindlessly following the popular girls in our grade. I doubted someone like Maude had ever even had an original thought.

"Have you met Maude? I think she goes to Lower Fields too." Lucille casually inquired.

"Yeah, I've seen her around," I replied.

Maude curtly smiled at me but my face remained blank. I didn't trust her.

"Okay, Felix leave us alone," Lucille said as my que to leave.

I rushed to my room while my head raced.

Why does stuff like this happen to me?

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