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Jack and I sat in the bathroom and cleaned the milk off his clothes.

I held his plaid shirt under the hand dryer while he worked on washing his face.

I felt so angry at Michaelson and Logan and every person at school who thought they had the right to make fun of us.

I could feel my heart beating rapidly as I fought to suppress my desire to confront Michaelson.

"Felix, don't be so mad," Jack said as if he could read my mind.

I couldn't even look at him. Knowing that I couldn't defend him and I let him get humiliated killed me.

"How can I not be angry?" I asked sternly.

"There's nothing we can do. It's 2 against 100," Jack murmured.

His voice sounded sad and small. I couldn't even imagine how it felt for Jack to have food thrown on him in front of the whole school.

"Maybe we could tell the office, or the parents association or something," I suggested.

"Didn't work last time."

"Then what can we do?!"

"Nothing. Just drop it okay, I don't want to think about it anymore," Jack said as he began to cry again.

"Jack don't cry, I didn't mean to make you upset," I said.

"Did you see Maude? She literally sits with those guys at lunch and she didn't even say anything," Jack cried.

I didn't realize that he had noticed that. Jack had always been the first to defend Maude and now he was seeing her for what she really was.

"I thought she was our friend," Jack muttered.

"I thought so too."

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