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Lucille's raspy laugh filled our kitchen as Maude told her a funny vacation story.

I couldn't believe we were actually eating dinner with Maude. I obviously felt bad about hitting her with the door, but inviting her to our family dinners was extreme.

I felt like Maude was infiltrating my life. First she befriended Jack, and now she's eating dinners at my house. What's next? She moves in?

Strangely, after Maude fell, when I looked into her eyes I felt an odd sensation come over me. Looking at her wasn't the same as looking at Jack or Lucille, it felt strange.

I could barely recognize what the sensation was, yet alone vocalize it. But it was a very real feeling that had settled deep into my bones. Even at dinner, hours later, I could still feel it.

It was probably the intense hatred I had for her...

"Felix, you're being awfully quiet right now," Lucille pointed out.

"Am I?"

"You usually talk a mile a minute," Lucille replied, "you know when Felix was younger he always got in trouble because he kept talking over his teachers."

"I remember that in 8th grade you sang for your oral presentation in English," Maude said.

I immediately cringed at the memory. I had only sang because the other option was an essay and I hated writing.

"I can't believe you remember that..."

"I thought it was cool," Maude replied.

I felt my cheeks becoming warm at her compliment.

"You're the only person who thought it was cool. My voice cracked like 5 times and I was off tune. I totally forgot about that."

Maude laughed while thinking of the memory but I was surprised that she still remembered it.

The idea of Maude thinking my song was cool made me feel less embarrassed about it.

Maude and I sat alone in the dining room after dinner.

Lucille had was in the bathroom so we sat together alone. The silence between us was deafening.

"I'm sorry I hit you with the door," I admitted.

As much as I disliked her, I didn't want to see her hurt.

"I'm sorry about chem class. I shouldn't have let them laugh at you."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I didn't expect her to apologize for that.

"I know that's why you dislike me, and it's why I dislike me," Maude said, "I need a backbone."

"It's fine. My feelings weren't hurt," I lied.

"I'm friends with Jack, and you're friends with him so I guess we'll have to learn to be okay with each other."

Maude extended her hand to me and we shook hands.

"I could learn to be okay with you," I said.

Maude smiled to herself.

"I got you something," she said.

My curiosity peaked. Why would she have something for me?

"What, why?" I asked.

"It's repayment."

I gazed at her as she rummaged through her backpack and took out a CD.

She bit her plump lips as she handed me the CD and anticipated my reaction.

It was a Beatles album. Let It Be.

I smiled. I already owned that CD, but it made me feel happy that she had bought it for me.

"Thanks," I said plainly. I didn't want my voice to give away how happy I felt.

"I saw it at a store and I thought you'd like it. I liked the Pixies CD you gave me," she stated.

As I made eye contact with her, I lost all my words. I felt flustered for some reason and forgot what I was going to say.

I awkwardly looked away from her and back to the CD without saying a word.

I still remembered how she had reacted when her friends had seen her wave at me. Sure it was easy to speak to her in my own home, but she was clearly embarrassed of me. She had a low opinion of me.

"Thanks, Maude." I restated with a poker face.

Maude's eyes lingered on me as if she expected me to say more, but I didn't know what more could be said without giving myself away.

Her phone buzzed and her attention diverted to her phone. She began to collect her things.

"My dad is outside, I'll see you at school," Maude announced.

Then she headed out.

Once I was alone, I sat on my striped bed sheets and examined the CD Maude had given me. I made sure to hold it carefully since it felt like the most important possession I had. It was a far nicer CD than the one I had given her. This one was brand new.

I gently opened the CD case and noticed a note taped onto its inner sleeve. It was in Maude's thin and small handwriting.

"Saw this at the store and thought you might like it <3"

My eyes focused on the heart she had drawn. It was small and asymmetrical but I traced my fingers over it anyways.

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