➸ 26

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Maude's POV

Lucille handed me a glass of water. Her face was engulfed in stress and panic.

"I just can't believe he would do that," Lucille whispered to me.

Her brown eyes were filled with worry for Felix. Since we were in the kitchen, we kept our voices low so Felix wouldn't hear us from his nearby bedroom.

Lucille kept anxiously wringing her hands and taking excessive sips of water while I explained what happened...

It had been 6 hours since Felix had fought Logan. After they were caught, both boys were sent to the office and no one saw either boy for the rest of the day.

However, Logan and Felix's pressing absence from school wasn't enough to prevent people from talking about them. For the rest of the day I was forced to overhear gossip about the fight and see videos other students had took of it.

I spent all day worrying about Felix, and the moment school ended, I rushed to Felix's house to check on him.

Lucille told me that Felix was probably taking a nap but I could check on him anyways.

"Felix?" I called as I knocked on Felix's bedroom door.

"Come in," he said from the other end.

I slowly opened his door and entered his room. His yellow curtains made the entire room a nice warm shade.

I saw Felix's clothes scattered across the floor and his backpack was haphazardly laying by his bed.

My eyes panned down to Felix who was sitting on his bed. He looked like he had been attacked by an animal.

His angular jawline had scratch marks on it and his left eye was hosting a nasty purple bruise. Along his pale white arms I could see smaller bruises and scratch marks.

I hated to see him look so injured.

I expected Felix to be in a somber mood, but when I entered he actually seemed quite happy.

"Can you believe that happened?" Felix exclaimed. His eyes were filled with joy despite the clear signs of injury across his body. I was definitely confused.

"Are you seriously happy right now? Have you looked into a mirror?" I asked.

Felix stood up from his bed and stretched.

"I had always wanted to do that but I never had the courage," Felix stated, "I got a few hits in."

"You punched him right in the nose," I replied.

I admit, it had been fairly satisfying to see Logan get punched.

Felix's tall figure stood in front of his bookshelf and rummaged through it. I could see the subtle definition in his biceps through the short sleeves of his navy blue shirt.

I stood beside Felix, "what're you doing?"

"I want to listen to music. We should celebrate." Felix cheered.

I smiled at Felix. I understood why getting in a fight meant so much to him.

Felix toyed with his CD player until a slow rock song came on.

He seemed oddly nervous but I couldn't place why. I watched as he repeatedly rubbed his hands against his pant pockets and avoided eye contact with me.

Felix ran his hands through his pitch black hair and exhaled deeply.

Seeing him so agitated made me feel nervous too.

"I actually got you something," he finally said.

He got me something?

My heart thumped deeply as I watched him crouch to go through his black school bag.

Felix spoke with his back turned to me as he looked through his bag.

"I wanted to give this to you when we dropped you off,  but I was too nervous," His low voice mumbled, "I saw it and it reminded me of you."

Felix stood up and handed me a small accented white box with a gold ribbon tied over it.

He nervously hovered over me as I examined it. I felt as though his eyes were staring holes into me.

My fingers nervously inspected the small box. I pulled the ribbon off and opened the box.

Oh my gosh.

It was gorgeous.

The box held a small golden locket necklace - the locket was heart shaped. I carefully prodded the locket with my hands.

I couldn't believe he had bought it for me.

I could feel my mouth being wide open in shock and awe. I looked up at him with pure exasperation.

"Do you like it?" Felix nervously asked.

I nodded.

Of course I liked it.

I would like anything Felix gave me, even if it was just a rock. But the necklace was gorgeous and the exact type of thing I would wear.

"Can you help me put it on?" I asked.

Felix nodded as I gave him the necklace. He stood closely behind me and unclasped the locket.

"You really didn't have to buy me that. I didn't get you anything," I murmured.

"I wanted to buy it for you."

I slightly gasped as Felix's cold finger touched my neck. He carefully put the necklace on me.

"Thank you," I said.

I turned around to face Felix. I was only the height of his shoulder and suddenly I felt very small.

A strong feeling of love surged over me as I looked at him. I was proud of him for standing up for himself and I admired his conviction.

Having a black eye wasn't enough to make Felix look less beautiful. If anything, the black eye kind of added to his mysterious beauty.

I held one of his hands as I looked into his eyes.

I carefully touched the area around Felix's black eye, "does that hurt?"

Felix didn't answer my question. He was too focused on looking at me.

Felix stepped closer to me while holding my hand. His thumb tenderly rubbed the back of my hand.

I stood still. Very still.

Felix slowly leaned in and kissed me.

I felt like my brain was going to do backflips then explode.

As his soft lips met mine, I could feel his soft black hair against my cheeks.

We slowly separated while still having our hands interlocked. I felt like a new person. I felt like this was the only thing I ever needed to happen to me.

We looked at each other with wide eyes - I think even he was surprised that he had kissed me.

Felix's dark eyes were intensely trained on me, searching for a reaction.

"Can we go again?" I shyly asked.

Felix wordlessly nodded. I went on my tip toes and put my arms around him as we kissed. His arms held my waist tightly as he passionately kissed me.

As we kissed, we slowly shifted towards his bed until we fell on top of it.

The end <3

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