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The sound of Jack's snores filled our small hotel room.

We had went all day hiking and visiting tourist attractions. The moment we reached the room Jack immediately passed out, but Maude and I were still awake.

I sat on the seat by the window and looked at the moon like I had done the previous night.

Maude knelt on the floor in front of her bag and searched for earphones so we wouldn't have to hear Jack's snores.

"Aha," she exclaimed.

She handed me her thin white earphones with little bears on each ear. I snorted.

"These are your headphones?" I asked.

"They get the job done."

Maude smiled as she sat beside me and put one side of the earphones in.

As she gazed at her phone to pick a song, I couldn't help but glance at her face. Her collarbones were exposed under her flimsy white shirt. I could see a small birthmark on her inner thigh.

"How about this song?" Maude asked.

I squinted at the small text on her phone. It was a slow song by a band I had always loved. I couldn't believe she knew that song.

"I love that song," I said.

"I thought you would."

I put the other side of the earphones in and smiled as the familiar intro began to play. Maude slowly nodded her head and pretended to play the drums which made me laugh. I joined in and played air guitar.

"This is my favourite part," I whispered to her as the chorus hit.

The chorus sounded like heaven and I realized there was no one I would rather be listening to the song with then Maude.

After listening to a few more songs, we started to talk about how we discovered our favourite bands.

Maude said her taste was identical to her parents'. She told me about how her dad played in a makeshift rock band during his college years.

"Is it just you and Lucille? I never see your parents..." Maude carefully asked. I guess speaking about her parents made her wonder about mine.

I tried not to talk about my parents because I didn't know how it would make me feel. Sometimes when I spoke about them I would break down into tears yet other times I didn't care at all.

I figured there was no harm in telling Maude about my family. I felt comfortable around her.

"Yeah, it's just us. I haven't spoken to my parents in about 2 years," I admitted.

Maude's mouth opened in silent shock.

"Can I ask what happened?" She asked.

"Well," I started, "they were nice growing up, but when Lucille came out and they kicked her out."

The truth hurt to admit. My memories of the constant fighting between Lucille and my parents popped into my mind.

I didn't understand how they could disown their own daughter.

"No one deserves that," Maude said.

"Well, Lucille moved out after that and I moved with her."

"Have they tried to reach out to you since?"

"For the first few months they tried, then they stopped caring."

"You don't need them," Maude said and she squeezed my hand.

Seeing her small hands over mine filled my heart with happiness.

"Can I sleep in your bed tonight instead of Jack's?" I asked.

Maude grinned at me as we laid in her bed facing each other. I felt like her round eyes were penetrating my soul. I could smell the mint of her toothpaste and the fruit like scent of her shampoo. Her hair fell effortlessly onto her cheeks.

I felt very aware of how close our bodies were. How I could easily reach out and touch her.

"Stop staring at me," Maude playfully whispered.

I smiled. I didn't know what to say.

"You creep," she joked.

"I sleep with my eyes open. I can't help it."

Maude smiled at me.

"I've never been this close to your face before," she commented.

"Do I look weird?"

Maude laughed and shook her head, "you look perfect."


I couldn't believe that someone as beautiful as Maude could say I looked perfect. She was perfect. She had perfect flaws and perfect quirks and the perfect face. I wanted to tell her all that, but I didn't have the confidence.

Maude turned to lay on her back.

I looked at her face with a feeling of pure awe in my heart. She was gorgeous.

As I looked at her, a feeling of absolute dread filled my entire body.

I knew now more than ever that I definitely had a crush on her.

There was no denying it.

But there was no way she would ever like me back. I was doomed.

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