Safe in my arms

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{Playing} here always - Seungmin

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{Playing} here always - Seungmin


Warnings: fluff and little space
Quote ~ don't stop doing what you like because of someone<3
Written - Apr.7.24
Published - Apr.9.24
- 2051 words


Hyunjin was a model and was pretty successful in the industry his popularity growing by the day as he got noticed almost instantly.

He was now getting ready for an interview in his dressing room. Seungmin; his little had been sending him messages about random things. the grammar was pretty difficult to understand but he enjoyed the puppy like boys stories nonetheless.

The little didn't seem to understand that his caregiver was doing something important and continued to blow up his daddy's phone without a care in the world.


"Did you expect to get noticed so quickly amongst the locals?" The interviewer questioned. "I was really surprised-" the taller was cut off when his cellphone rang.

"This is important" he added as he pulled the device from out of his pocket and walked off.

"Minnie? I told you that you can't keep calling me when I'm at work baby" the taller said and the puppy like boy pouted. "But i mwiss chu" (but I miss you)

"And-and I wanf daddy to come home and to pway wif me" (and I want daddy to come home and play with me) the little frowned sadly and the caregiver smiled softly.

"Isn't Minho there to play?"hyunjin questioned and the puppy like boy whined. "Nu, I don't wanna Mimo I want chu! Daddy come home" (no, I don't want mimo I want you)

"I'll be there soon I promise bub. I'm busy right now okay, we can talk later" the little frowned and angrily hung up the phone. 'What a grumpy pup' the taller hummed as he put his cellphone away.

He walked back to the interviewer and apologized for abruptly leaving. "Do you have a kid? Sounded like a kid?" The interviewer asked.

"Ah no, not at all, let's get back to the question you asked before" he said with a laugh. "Uhm okay then, Did you expect to get noticed so quickly amongst the locals?" The woman questioned and he answered the question truthfully.

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