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{Playing} bouquet - misamo•

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{Playing} bouquet - misamo

Genre: smut
Quote ~ sometimes the right place is a person
Written - ???
Published - ???
✨- 2039 words


Seungmin walks down the street the rain pouring down onto his umbrella. The male is visiting his friend, whom he hasn't seen in a while, and he may or may not like him in a romantic/sexual way; a lot. The brunette hears his phone ding which cuts him out of his deep thinking.

'Are u close?' He asked as I looked around 'fuck I think I'm lost' Seungmin thought as he continued to walk. 'Just look for a green convenience store'

The male looked around and spotted the convenience store 'Okay I should be close then' he thought yet again before turning and walking a bit, leading him to the front of Hyunjin's house.


"You got smaller in the US did they starve you?" Hyunjin asked dramatically and Seungmin scoffed, as he stood by the door. "Shut up" Hyunjin chuckled as he sat on his bed calling the other over.

"C'mon," Seungmin smiled, as he sat on the comfortable bed. "I missed it here in Korea" the younger spoke and Hyunjin chuckled "Or do you miss me?" "I miss you and Korea" Seungmin spoke "I miss you too, you left so abruptly and didn't let me say what I had to say" "Really you could tell me now" The younger spoke.

"Nope you don't deserve it since you left me" Hyunjin stuck his tongue out teasingly "You didn't text me either" "Cause I was broken I didn't know what to do it was like a break up even if we weren't dating" Seungmin nodded "I was sad to I needed you but you wouldn't call or text back" the friends laughed a bit before talking again.

"There was this memorable time I remembered a couple of days back, 'cause Han brought me to the place we carved our names into." "Really? I remember that place I can't forget it cause you spelled my name wrong" The puppy-like boy rolls his eyes "And you avoided my question" "What question?" Hyunjin asked a playful smile on his face

"C'mon tell me what you didn't that day," Seungmin whined as he sat in front of his best friend. "No guess" Hyunjin spoke as the brunette tilted his head "A hint?" "What? no" Seungmin sighed "You wanna kiss me?" Seungmin guessed as Hyunjin sat up

"hmm yeah, but that's not the only thing" the younger blushed furiously "Give me your legs" Seungmin obeyed, stretching his legs out from under himself. Hyunjin grabbed the younger's thighs sliding the other towards himself.

The two males sat close their lips inches apart. "I don't only want to kiss you, but I also want to fuck you" "B-but your mom-" Hyunjin slammed his lips onto the others cutting him off. He smirked, as the Seungmin kissed back putting his hands in the other's long black hair.

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