Little bean

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{Playing} Bam Yang Gang - Bibi •

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{Playing} Bam Yang Gang - Bibi

Genre: omegaverse, Mpreg, & fluff
Quote ~ don't just exist, live.
Written - ???
Published - ???
✨- 1116 words


Seungmin walked into the living room watching as the boys played together squeals being heard as the oldest tickled the younger.

Seungmin made his way to the black couch sitting on it with ease, his aching back finally thanking him for sitting after a long day of cleaning and watching his kids while being heavily pregnant.

Seungmin winced as the unborn baby kicked his ribs in protest of her papa sitting down. "Hey, little bean calm down a little" Seungmin spoke to his bump placing his hand on his bump. "Is Bubby awake?!"

Minjin spoke and Seungmin smiled with a small nod. Seungchul immediately sat next to his papa, placing his small hands on his papa's round bump and feeling the baby kick his hands with much force.

"Papa, When will daddy be home?" Minjin asked a small pout on his face. "Soon baby" Minjin's face lit up as he heard the word soon, wanting his dad to come home right away.

"What would you guys like for dinner?" The pregnant male asked and the boys thought for a bit before Seungchul's face lit up "Maybe jjigae?" Seungmin smiled lightly "Sure, is that okay Jin?" The youngest looked at his mama with big eyes before he gave a quick nod.

Seungmin got up from the couch with a bit of struggle due to the belly that stood in front of him. He ruffled the Seungchul's hair before heading to the kitchen to make the food the kids suggested.


Seungmin rubbed his bump trying to calm the baby's kicks that were now painful. "C'mon baby just let me finish cooking" he talked to his baby who continued to kick his insides, not listening whatsoever. Seungmin turned the stove off as he finished the food trying to ignore the pain from the forceful kicks and movements happening in his bump.

"I'm home" Seungmin heard Hyunjin announce from the door and he smiled before letting out a relieved sigh. "DADDY!" He heard a squeal from Minjin who ran towards the front door. Seungmin waddled to the front door seungchul and Minjin already in their father's arms. "Hi baby" Hyunjin smiled cooing as he watched his love waddle towards them. "Hi love" Seungmin smiled as a sigh left his lips.

Hyunjin put the boys down on their feet so they could go back to playing in the living room. The blonde held his arms open for his husband to hug him. Seungmin sighed softly as he embraced the older. "What's wrong?" Hyunjin asked and Seungmin shook his head against the older's chest before he felt another kick and winced.

"Is she kicking you too roughly?" Hyunjin asked and Seungmin nodded "She won't calm down" Seungmin spoke softly as he pressed his face into the older male's chest. "Did you overwork yourself?" Hyunjin asked as he rubbed the other's bump feeling the kicks from their unborn baby. "No, I only cleaned a little," Seungmin spoke as his aching back was being rubbed soothingly.

"You must be tired, let's go sit" the blonde spoke and Seungmin nodded, allowing his husband to pull away from the hug and help him to the table; in the dining room. Seungmin sat in the chair and Hyunjin sat in between his husband's legs, putting his head on the bump and soothingly rubbing circles onto the other's stomach; calming the little girl.

"Little bean you should let your mama rest" he spoke to the bump and the movement soon came to a stop, as Seungmin put his hand in the older male's hair; playing with the blond strands. Hyunjin wrapped his arms around the younger's waist hugging him as his head was on his bump feeling little to no movement from their baby.

"MAMA!" They heard a squeal from their youngest who was being chased by seungchul. Hyunjin picked his head up as he watched Minjin run towards him his arms held out.

"Daddy up hurry" You could hear him giggle as Seungchul tickled him. Hyunjin picked their youngest up still on the floor and he held him close. Hyunjin then started tickling Seungchul and the little boy giggled. Seungmin watched his 3 boys with a small smile on his lips.

He then groaned feeling a few kicks being placed onto his bladder. "Mama, when do we eat?" Minjin asked and Seungmin ruffled his hair "We can eat after I use the bathroom and set the table" he spoke moving the hairs out of the three-year-old's face.

"You can go use the bathroom and we'll set the table" Hyunjin spoke getting up off the floor, Minjin still in his arms. Seungmin nodded as he was helped up by his husband who placed a soft kiss on his forehead before patting his butt signaling for him to go to the bathroom.

Seungmin had gone to the bathroom as the three set the table. "Minjin don't run pup, you'll fall" Hyunjin spoke as he chased the child who continued to run around the table. "Gotcha" the older picked Minjin up and put him on his chair. Seungchul giggled as his dad kissed his head.

Seungmin walked back into the dining room, tears brimming his eyes as his pants were wet. "H-Hyunjin" Seungmin spoke lowly catching his husband's attention

"What's wrong baby, why are your pants wet?" Hyunjin asked and Seungmin nodded "Is baby coming!" Minjin asked as he shook his older brother.

"Seungchul will you help your brother put his shoes on and get your own, can you do that for me?" Hyunjin asked and the puppy-like boy nodded a small smile on his face before he held his younger brother's hand leading him to their shared room.

Hyunjin then turned to his husband who began to shake and cry. Hyunjin embraced his husband and placed soft kisses on his head comforting him. "You did great the first two times delivering our boys you'll do amazing this time around, everything will go smoothly baby. Calm down a bit hmm you'll scare the little bean" Seungmin sighed as he hugged the older and stuffed his face into his chest.

Seungmin gripped Hyunjin's shirt feeling pain shoot up his back and lower stomach. He scrunched his face up waiting for the pain to die down.

Hyunjin soothingly rubbed the younger male's back trying to help him through the pain. "Do you want to change before we go?" The older asked and Seungmin nodded "Please" he spoke lowly and Hyunjin held his hand as they went to their shared room.


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