Stolen sweetheart

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Ship- yungi

Ship- yungi

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Third pov

Jeong yunho knew it was wrong he knew it but he couldn't help but to fall for the tall boy, he was taller but the other said male was on his height level.

The male he was in love with name was song mingi who he admired since freshmen year he saw mingi saving these kittens that were in a box, then he saw mingi helping these kids who were getting bullied in a grade higher than him. He couldn't help but to fall for the boy with those adorable speckles but was a brave one.

But he got heart broken when he found out Choi san started dating song mingi in sophomore year they are now in senior year to say yunho was heart broken would be an understatement

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But he got heart broken when he found out Choi san started dating song mingi in sophomore year they are now in senior year to say yunho was heart broken would be an understatement.

To see mingi wrap his arms around San's waist, kiss him whether it be on the cheek, forehead or lips he still couldn't help but be upset and sad. His friends all told him to move on but he just couldn't he went on a couple blind dates but all he could think about was song mingi.

He sighed softly walking down the street to school he stopped when he heard someone crying in the park he gasped and went towards the crying sounds and when he got there he saw him, he saw song mingi sitting on the ground crying he quickly ran up to him crouching down "hey, why are you crying?" He asked softly mingi gasped looking up "I-I'm okay, I'm s-sorry to disturb you" he said wiping his tears but they just kept coming down.

"You aren't okay mingi can you tell me what's wrong please?" Yunho said softly Mingi's eyes widen "h-how do you know m-my name?" He asked yunho chuckled "we go to the same school darling plus your very popular" he said making mingi blush "o-oh" he said cause yunho to smile at his cuteness.

"Now can you tell me why your crying darling?" He asked mingi blushed looking away wondering why this male can make him blush just by a simple pet name not even San could make him blush and he called him babe, minmin and sweetie.

"I-I just found out m-my eomma cheated o-on my appa a-and I-I don't know w-what to do! S-should I tell him? O-or keep it a s-secret?!" He said sobbing yunho gasped and went up to him hugging him he sobbed in my chest seeing him like this really hurt yunho's heart.

After his sobs died down he started sniffling yunho still held him though "I think you should tell your appa if you keep this bottled up it won't end well for you so maybe not now but whenever you feel is right tell him for not only his sake but for yours as well" yunho said holding Mingi's waist mingi blushed and nodded "t-thank you-" "yunho my name is jeong yunho" he said with a slight smirk mingi bit his lip with a blush.

Then they both got up "wanna walk to s-school t-together yunho?" Mingi asked shyly yunho nodded and they both made their way to school "how come I've never seen you around yunho?" Mingi asked yunho shrugged "I'm not sure myself I mean I'm kinda hard to miss" he joked and mingi giggled "you are so right so am I" he said with a laugh and so on the way to school they both joked, and got to know each other soo they made it to school.

They both frowned not wanting to leave each others sides "um so I guess I'll see you around?" Mingi said and yunho nodded a soft frown on his face they then walked away before mingi bit his lip and turned around as yunho was walking away "y-yunho wait!" He said causing yunho to turn around confused "yes darling? Is something wrong?" He said the pet name just coming naturally and he doesn't even notice.

Mingi blushed a deep shade of red "um would you m-maybe wanna have lunch with me today?" He asked shyly which was very rare for mingi he was surprised at himself how could this male make him so shy and blushy and even makes him stutter? Yunho smiles "okay! I'd like that" he said and mingi nodded "here I'll give you my number so you can text me or I'll text you" mingi said.

Yunho nodded and they both traded numbers yunho saving mingi as "princess❤️😍" and mingi saved yunho as "yunho😊"

They both went to class with smiles on their faces and none of them paid attention because their minds were on each other.

Pt 2?

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