Chapter 19: Relationships

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"Stop taking all the covers." Dream tried pulling the covers away but George wouldn't budge. Dream had only one way to get the covers. He went wrapped his arms around the boy, cuddling him. There was some extra blanket coming from under him so he puled that on top of him. It only covered about half of his body but it did keep him warmer.

"Get your hands off me." George tried pushing the boy away but Dream stayed put. "Fuck off." George mumbled falling back to sleep. George enjoyed having Dream hug him but he couldn't say that, but damn did George admired Dream when they were like this.

Dream held George tightly in his arms. His mind only flooded with his dad's call. He couldn't lose George to some rand-o. He was finally happy in a relationship and he couldn't fuck this up. "Dream can you loosen your grip just a bit?"

"Mhm." Dream said subconsciously as he loosened his grip. It was still too tight for George's liking but he decided to stay quiet.


Five hours passed and Karl was sleeping in Dream's bed. He couldn't fall asleep on the couch earlier because it was small and very uncomfortable.

There was a knock at the door which followed by the door swinging open. "Good morning Karl." It was Sapnap, he looked like he got no sleep. "I saw Dream and George on the news."

Karl face revealed a shocked expression. "Did they rob a bank!?" Karl pulled himself up still remaining eye contact with the other.

Sapnap walked over to the bed, sitting right next to Karl. He pulled out his phone and showed the boy a recording.

A lady was on the screen along with a guy, they was the same people that does the celebrity news channel. "Streamer Dream Wastaken caught in Miami with a potential boyfriend?" Her voice went up when she said boyfriend. "The man has not been seen on the internet yet. They were walking out of an old record shop at around one-thirty in the morning."

"This remind me of an interview around two months ago with all the Wastaken kids where James and Drista were talking about this mystery man that Dream supposedly liked. Like what if the was supposedly this mystery man?" The man took a sip of his Pepsi before he continued talking. "What if Clay, or we all know as Dream, gets a boyfriend, it can definitely shock the internet. Like that would be huge."

"Hopefully we get to find out who this mystery man is and see them two grow into a relationship." The lady had a soft voice but it seemed forced.

"So George is now mystery man?" Karl chuckled laying back down. "That would be hilarious for him to find out the internet think they're dating."

"They are definitely dating." Sapnap covered himself in the light grey comforter. "I didn't sleep last night, my phone call lasted longer than i thought."

"Yeah i know." Karl sighed, he wanted to leave because he was annoyed at Sapnap for the call last night but it was his girlfriend though. Karl's just a friend, not as important.

"Did i do something wrong?" Sapnap picked up on Karl's tone. "Something's off."

"Everything is fine, you can go to sleep. I will let you be." Karl stood up and walked out of the room, shutting the door. It was more of a slam than a normal shut.


"Good morning. You need to wake up." Quackity shook the girl slightly. She groaned pushing him away. "You said you wanted to meet the others today, we need to get ready."

"Let me sleep please." She turned the other way, avoiding Quackity. "I'm so tired."

"You are just like George now cmon we need to get up." Quackity picked her up, bridal style spinning her in a circle. They both bursted into laughter.

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